Hey ! I couldn't find that comment in that book so I am messaging you like this. I commented the same as you. Except "question mark" i.e. "?" I was afraid of her to further comment. I was asking her that was she really so rude to bring "negro" word like that as if they are not humans. I was stunned. I didn't call her "negro". Why would I call her negro when I don't see that word as a swear word or demeaning word or ugly word? So my language is not in the least offensive. REPEATING THE ABOVE Difference in your comment and mine is : "?" It's because I was AFRAID of her that she will insult me too. So I highlighted the word by SINGLING OUT it ( which is disturbing /offensive in her comment) Conclusion by me: I DIDN'T PUT "?" AFTER THE WORDS SO I THINK YOU TOOK IT AS I WAS CALLING HER THAT OR I WAS ENJOYING THE SAME THING LIKE HER !

@Radha_of_Krishna yes. I apologize again. Stay safe !!! Happiness and peace are the real goals!!! I AGREE 100% HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND

@Blueofthe7Seas Haha. It happens honey. You are right. Miscommunication is a reason for many issues. Wish you the same sweetie. Yes, wishing you only the best in your life WHICH BRINGS YOU HAPPINESS AND PEACE. :D