Hey everyone! I'm SO sorry for the long hiatus, but I'll be brief. My family has been without internet for a while, and I haven't been able to post, so my mom got me a new phone with data so i SHOULD be able to post now (if it's not iffy)! I have made another account to co exist with my current account called Bluerose156v2 as a sort of transfer/continuation type profile on said phone, but the plan is, since I don't really trust the transfer of apps to new devices, and to avoid risk of losing EVERYTHING, I'm going to take the pain staking process of copying the stories off my old profile to my new one. Im taking a break from my on going stories, because im starting first with my drafts that I had compiled, so stories like my LN 3 fanstory will be temporarily on hold. Just wanted to let y'all know I'm okay, happy late çhristmas, and this is my current plan as of now. Thank you!