
I hate how my indecisive ass has decided to change my username again, and I don't think it's going to turn out very well but whatever here goes nothing.


Here's the good part of the announcement.
          Happy halloween!!! :D
          Here's the bad part of the announcement.
          Ffndsnb I've decided not to start publishing when i originally planned to (January 1, 2020). I want to have some extra chapters ready in case I don't have enough time to work on a chapter. Those are going to take me a long while to make, especially considering that my schedule's going to be pretty tight for the next month or so. I'll come back once I'm sure that I'll be able to publish on a regular schedule and have my chapters the best quality possible (to my amazing editors, I hope you won't mind me spamming you with new chapters to beta-read hahahahh). Until then, have a great day!