
So I've been offline for a bit, I doubt that it even matters at this point for me to type this but oh well. I got 6 pages for something new I'm going to try. Going to post one page now cause idk. Hopefully you enjoy, if you have thoughts msg me I read everything eventually. Anyways yep that's it 


So I've been offline for a bit, I doubt that it even matters at this point for me to type this but oh well. I got 6 pages for something new I'm going to try. Going to post one page now cause idk. Hopefully you enjoy, if you have thoughts msg me I read everything eventually. Anyways yep that's it 


So I found a solution that works for writing the story. So I have to transfer word for word from my word sheet to wattpad that for some reason stays and works. So i'll be transfering it all over when i get a chance which also gives me some more time to write in some ways i guess. But it also means you all will be getting the full parts slower than desired. Anyways sorry for the long delay. Keep flying high everyone, your all stars in my book. 


Ok so this wattpad glitch is ticking me off and I honestly as the impatient person I am. Am going to type this whole part up from top to bottom again instead of copying pasting and if that doesn't work I'm going to just leave it and wait for the glitch to just Go Away.


Ok well to all that's reading this I'm trying to update my story but for some reason Wattpad keeps refusing to keep any of my text up and leaves the part blank. If anyone can help me fix this that'd be great otherwise I can't really post anything until I can somehow fix it on my own so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Haha sorry for it being late again but todays the last day of school. WOOO starting tomorrow I'll officially have no school (still have band though) but now summer is here! Lets see that hype everyone likes about this summer time in the world! WOO!


Haha well its getting close to that time of the year where I can finally take a load off. (Hopefully) Anyways I only have a week to go I think before my summer vacation starts. WOO! I cant wait to start writing again its been driving me crazy not doing it. Hmm maybe I'll start the summer with an update.  Hmm I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but I will be back thats a promise 


Hello all you peoples out there. I just wanted to post this as an update as to my kind of absence. With school and my other activities such as band and hanging out with friends I haven't had too much time to work on my books, but I am actually almost finished with "Loner's Tale" to be honest. Don't be expecting it to be coming out right away, but don't be expecting it to take another 5 months XD I have been working on it a lot and hopefully it shows with the difference in my writing with the 3 new chapters I just posted for it. If you haven't checked that out well surprise :D Anyways I'm getting some good head way with the book so far, and I should be getting a lot done in the coming weeks depending on how school work and such follows. Well I hope you all have a good rest of your day.


@Bluestarcommander well in response to past me. School was not being helpful in my writing department XD


Hello anyone reading this, sorry if it's so late I seem to have a bad habit of doing that XD Anyways I know I haven't updated in a while, but I am sort of busy with school and all that. I am going to say this though so I don't get too many questions about it. I am working on Loner's Tale and instead of updating it right away I'm going to put a lot of work in until I feel like it's the right time to update. So when I do update from here on out the story should be a lot, and I mean A LOT better from here on out with each chapter. I promise you all this that I am trying to get this worked on whenever I get the chance. Well thanks for reading this, and sorry for it being so late. Hopefully I will be ready to update sooner rather than later, but otherwise I hope you all have a good night (or whatever time it is for you).