
Dang it im in love again.this is what i get for being soft hearted,im to easy to get attched by someone fu*ck it (date written/226/07/2022)time:5:00 am

I always failed as a daughter,as a girlfriend,as a sister,as a friend.i don't always say im the right thing.im not the most beautiful girl in the world,but it's me.i love food. i have scars beacuse i have a story.some people love me, some people don't.i did good things.i did bad things.i got out with no make-up and so many times i dont even fix my hair.i don't pretend to be someone im not.im who i am,proud,impulsive,a cry baby,even a little crazy but i am who i am,u can love me or not.And if i love you,i do it with all my heart.