
Our stories don't have happy endings right now. Right now people are dying, the virus is spreading, and we are all trapped at home. Feeling alone, forgotten, and disconnected. Like we have no purpose, no life, no reason to put one foot in front of the other. Like there isn't a goal, a quest if you will. There is no finish line, no last chapter, no final turn of the page as a goal in life. But you have to remember, the story isn't over yet. Right now we feel lost, but someday coronavirus will be over. We can go back to our lives, our goals, our quests. And even then our story isn't done. But our story is also what we make of it. I believe everything is in God's hands. But I also believe that we can still make choices in this life. Will you choose to be the good guy or the bad guy. Not in world domination, but in little things. In how you treat others, in what you do each day. Will you choose to pull others down so you yourself can rise at all costs? Or will you trust that God has your best interests in mind, even if it doesn't always feel like it. Guys, our story isn't over yet. Yours, mine, everyone around us. We can choose when it ends unless we cut it short. But we can choose how we treat others. We can choose to care, we can choose to listen and really hear. We can choose to join together, and remind each other that the last page has not yet been turned. The last words, not yet written. So in quarantine wherever you are, remember today that your story isn't over yet. In some ways, it's just begun.


Our stories don't have happy endings right now. Right now people are dying, the virus is spreading, and we are all trapped at home. Feeling alone, forgotten, and disconnected. Like we have no purpose, no life, no reason to put one foot in front of the other. Like there isn't a goal, a quest if you will. There is no finish line, no last chapter, no final turn of the page as a goal in life. But you have to remember, the story isn't over yet. Right now we feel lost, but someday coronavirus will be over. We can go back to our lives, our goals, our quests. And even then our story isn't done. But our story is also what we make of it. I believe everything is in God's hands. But I also believe that we can still make choices in this life. Will you choose to be the good guy or the bad guy. Not in world domination, but in little things. In how you treat others, in what you do each day. Will you choose to pull others down so you yourself can rise at all costs? Or will you trust that God has your best interests in mind, even if it doesn't always feel like it. Guys, our story isn't over yet. Yours, mine, everyone around us. We can choose when it ends unless we cut it short. But we can choose how we treat others. We can choose to care, we can choose to listen and really hear. We can choose to join together, and remind each other that the last page has not yet been turned. The last words, not yet written. So in quarantine wherever you are, remember today that your story isn't over yet. In some ways, it's just begun.


I'm so utterly tired. Tired of life, of sitting around doing nothing all day. Tired of getting kicked off technology and then having nothing to do. Tired of feeling useless, like a ghost just floating through the motions of life. I'm tired of being careful, of masks and sanitizing, of six feet apart and video calls. I'm tired of being trapped, isolated and alone, of being around just my parents for literal months on end. I am tired of my asthma. Tired of the burning my lungs going on even now. I'm tired of being handicapped, tired of having to stop before I have to spend hours in pain. I'm tired of each breath hurting, of the buzzing in my head and my body as the oxygen gets cut off. I'm tired of sitting here alone, tired of being tired. I am so utterly tired.