Hey guys! Happy Pride Month! Just a few months ago, I disappeared with false alarms of me posting actual stuff one day. If you’re familiar with me, then you’re correct - I used to go by the name “Bless”, and I was very comfortable with everyone before. But during the days, weeks, even months of being inactive and the only updates are random words on posts lol. Those times I had been inactive have given me time to know myself more. I’ve been questioning who I am for a long time now: I was aware that I can be attracted to all genders, but what about my gender? I didn’t know who I was, and I was confused. The confusion and questioning left me inactive for a while, with no motivation to post anything because it might impair my health mentally (Since I get so tired from school, and summer chores haha) And after a while of questioning, I finally understood. I’m not Bless, I didn’t feel like Bless. I felt like I was Blynn. So now, I go by Blynn. And I’m coming out as a pansexual genderfluid. I'll be presenting a gender I'll be comfortable with, and it will change when I feel like it. And for those who are worried, no need to be - this shouldn’t and doesn’t change anything. I’ll post the same things I’m interested in and continue to do things I love. I may not be Bless anymore, but that’s okay. Because you still have me, Blynn. Thank you for understanding and I hope you’ll continue to support and/or respect me ^^ - Blynn

@Eclipsa_BichiiBless Hi Blynn ! I'm waaay too late for you to see this reply but i hope you enjoy your day. :D