
[ENG] (everything here is based on what I've seen in the Spanish awards, but I'll probs find something similar once I start with the English ones)
          	I'm counting the votes and it's tedious because there's people that don't respect the rules and voted for more than one story in the same category. 
          	The only thing you get from this is giving me more work, is it that hard to read the rules and follow them? Aside from this account I have my personal one, in which I WRITE MY OWN FANFICS, my studies, and in a few months I'll start with my job experience and I'll eventually get a job- Everything while I'll still be studying.
          	This takes A LOT of time from me, and people that don't follow the rules only make it worse.
          	It's gotten to a point in which I've considered stopping the awards. I put a lot of time in this but I have my own life, and it's getting clearer and clearer that the awards and my day-to-day life are incompatible. For starters, once I finish 2020 awards, I won't start new ones for next year (I already said this) and from there I'll decide if I start making them with a different system, I stop them, I give the account to someone else willing to do it, or what.
          	Some added info that I forgot on the Spanish announcement:
          	1. I've also been thinking to start an account to write in English, which is something I've always wanted to do, so that'll take even more time from me.
          	2. Currently I have from little to no time to write- yes, I DO have free time, but I have other hobbies that I also enjoy.
          	3. I get anxiety really easily and I feel really pressured with everything I have on my plate right now. I'm also the kind of person that does everything perfectly or doesn't do it at all, and my current situation doesn't allow me to do the Awards as well as I would like.
          	This message got very long. I'm really sorry about this all but after years I've finally started priorizing my mental health and I'm slowly getting better, so... 


@ bIxssm  Thanks! The idea of stopping the awards saddens me, specially because I've seen so many writers get extremely happy by being nominated, but recently my mental health has improved and I'd hate for it to get worse again, even more if it's by something I'm supposed to enjoy :(


We are all so thankful for this account! And we completely understand if this is a lot. On behalf of  all of us nominees and the people did do it correctly, we are sorry that you have this much stress added. And I’m very proud you’re prioritizing your mental health first!! That’s what truly matters!


@ EMechanWrites  Thank you for being so understanding and supportive ❤️✨


Sin querer molestarte, quiero hacerte una pregunta aunque ya he visto que te la han dicho en inglesh. Cuando comenzaran los awards de 2021?


@Markeloode soy el admin de la cuenta, respondo desde mi cuenta personal porque es más rápido (perdón por tardar tanto en responder, también)
            La verdad es que este año no hay awards, como ya dije en un anuncio, y dudo mucho que llegue a retomarlos, lo siento 


@ Markeloode  yo estoy igual 