
Wish me luck guys I gotta take the ACT today and I'm nervous AF -Solaris <3


@BnhaGirl24 I wish you the best of luck chat


Okay. This has been something I've been contemplating for a few days now. I've been on the fence mainly for a few reasons: 1, I have a terrible posting schedule. 2, I struggle with juggling more than one book and I end up accidentally abandoning 1 sometimes. And 3, I lose motivation fast if a book doesn't do as well as I'd hoped. Which I know isn't your fault it's just some things I'm into are already dead and get no interest. ANYWAYS, so you know how I said I didn't really like any of the chapter 4 characters outside Kissy and the mini critter children? Well...... for almost week now that has been a lie. I gained a hyperfixation on someone. And that someone is stretchy, gummy, squishy, and funny. Soooo..... like I always do, you'd think I'd make a book about him! That's where I'm struggling. I'm still writing a Catnap book. But I really wanna write a Doey book too. So, my question to all of you is, do you think I should try doing it? Would you read it if I did? I appreciate your feedback, this will help me decide what to do. Thanks for reading! I hope to hear from you guys! -Solaris <3


Just a heads up that I will absolutely post the next chapter of my Catnap book tomorrow! I'm currently busy because I'm beginning progress on offering commissions. I won't do social media just yet, for now just my irl circle, but hopefully sometime in the coming months I can give you guys more info if you're interested! Again, I promise I'll post the new chapter tomorrow I'm just busy today. Love you guys! -Solaris <3


Guys I'm scared to watch chapter 4 cause it feels like the end of an era with Catnap and Dogday- I don't wanna let go T-T I promise I'll watch it but I've promised myself I don't wanna get attached to anyone yet bc I'm still hyperfixating on Catnap and Dogday I'm so sorry I feel like I had to be honest with you guys haha- anyways um if you've watched the chapter tell me what you think(don't spoil too much for me though) -Solaris <3


What's funny is most of the time I'm writing chapters for my Catnap book I'm tired/partially asleep so I don't remember what I wrote and constantly have to go back and look to make sure I don't screw something up lmao- yesterday I almost messed up when the Hour of Joy was meant to happen bc I forgot I set it to be in a month, I almost timeskipped a month but thankfully I checked haha, I know not what you guys wanted to hear but hey- maybe I'm meant to be half asleep while writing a book about CATNAP, right?


Uhhhh btw that doesn't mean I'm not enthusiastic about writing a book about Catnap. I mean, the whole reason for this surprise drop was bc of my recent hyperfixation comeback. It's just that I've been more tired lately for some reason, that's all lol. Sorry if you got upset at my bad choice of words-


It's New Years Eve..... I gotta be honest I'm not really excited since I live in America, BUT. I hope you guys have a good new year. And, I wanted to thank you all so so deeply for the support you gave my Dogday book. Seriously, that book received the most praise I've ever received on anything. I can't tell you how amazing it felt to have people desperately wanting the next chapter after the previous just came out. I hope that if I'm alive long enough to see Chapter 4, I get inspiration to write you guys something new. Because you all deserve it. I love all of you, and I hope you have a happy new year! -Solaris <3


Hey guys. So umm..... I'm not doing well mentally. At all. It's finals month, I get that. But it's beyond that. It's everything. I never want to get up, or go anywhere, or do anything. I'm losing all motivation for anything. Every time I think I want to do something, I rarely end up doing or finishing it unless it's right in front of me. And for all this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I keep failing you guys with empty promises to do or finish things. I'm sorry most of my books never get finished. And I'm sorry I may not even have the motivation to write a Chapter 4 book because my life is such a mess. Trust me, if you knew me irl you probably wouldn't be able to stand me because of how I am and how I treat people. Thanks for reading about me and my problems I guess. -Solaris


@BnhaGirl24 It's fine, just take it easy.


@BnhaGirl24 hey, I say take a break if you can for a bit, focus on yourself, don't feel bad for not finishing stuff, trust me if you look at my profile I have like at least 2-3 stories I need to work on and trust me I tend to lose motivation A LOT, I know how you feel, but please, just try to focus on yourself for a bit, don't worry about your stories ok? Just help yourself first that's what really matters, I know you don't know me but just know I'm here to help ^^ anytime you need, if I'm awake that is lolz focus on yourself ok? That's all I/we need ^^ <3


@mejr1130 thanks so much, to be honest I only see my therapist like once or twice a month so I tend to put stuff out there a lot because I don't feel like going to anyone I personally know :/ most of the time it only helps for like 10 minutes at most and I have to constantly distract myself otherwise, well, I end up posting stuff like what you read. ‍


Guys help my friend got me into TADC and now I'm obsessed with a crazy widowed king chess piece what do I do now -Solaris <3


@BnhaGirl24 He's TOOOOOOTALLY no my pfp......


@BnhaGirl24 IDk i got into a Disney Japan anime game called twisted WOnderland and I'm obsessed with a lil robo kid and a kid named Riddle Rosehearts...