Okay. This has been something I've been contemplating for a few days now. I've been on the fence mainly for a few reasons: 1, I have a terrible posting schedule. 2, I struggle with juggling more than one book and I end up accidentally abandoning 1 sometimes. And 3, I lose motivation fast if a book doesn't do as well as I'd hoped. Which I know isn't your fault it's just some things I'm into are already dead and get no interest. ANYWAYS, so you know how I said I didn't really like any of the chapter 4 characters outside Kissy and the mini critter children? Well...... for almost week now that has been a lie. I gained a hyperfixation on someone. And that someone is stretchy, gummy, squishy, and funny. Soooo..... like I always do, you'd think I'd make a book about him! That's where I'm struggling. I'm still writing a Catnap book. But I really wanna write a Doey book too. So, my question to all of you is, do you think I should try doing it? Would you read it if I did? I appreciate your feedback, this will help me decide what to do. Thanks for reading! I hope to hear from you guys! -Solaris <3