
Would like to know if anyone is reading my stories just curious 


To those that have been following my story, I'm sorry to say with a sad heart that the Bloodlines saga will be on hiatus someone dear to me is struggling with leukemia and need me to be there for him.  Be well all and love those around you for tomorrow is never a promise. 
           With love, Boadicea 


I seldom do the whole rantings...but NOTHING infuriates me more than ignorant and pissy Fartcatching critics! I picked up a newspaper at Heathrow airport and what do I read?!?! Scathing reviews of Love Never Dies! Hard to follow the storyline?!?! In the slang of my love...Doaty dabben roasters!


So how are you doing today?


I shall pray to the great spirit that the new year bring you peace and harmony within your family blessed be young one 


@BoadiceaHaas that’s awesome. I wish I could be with my family for the holidays but I can’t. There are some issues I’ll say that have been going on for the last few years. I hope this year will be different after all that really all I can do at the moment is hope. Nothing is up to me since I’m only a 15 year old and no more than that. 


@The_Christine_Daae my lovers family still lives there I take my children and grandchildren every year


If you like Poto and Beauty and the Beast you will probably also like Tanz Der Vampire. It's really good.


Oops yes please!