
Hello there. Now, I know I haven't used this thing in a long time. No, I'm not gone. I'm still here. I just, have been busy with stuff.
          	I suppose if you're reading this, I wanted to let you guys know that after 2 years, I've finally published a chapter. Specifically, in 'Gray Jedi Historian'. Here, I published a chapter about the sequels. If you're curious to hear what I thought about it, then I humbly ask you to please check it out. And of course, post some of your comments on it, what you thought of what I've written and the sequels themselves


Hello there. Now, I know I haven't used this thing in a long time. No, I'm not gone. I'm still here. I just, have been busy with stuff.
          I suppose if you're reading this, I wanted to let you guys know that after 2 years, I've finally published a chapter. Specifically, in 'Gray Jedi Historian'. Here, I published a chapter about the sequels. If you're curious to hear what I thought about it, then I humbly ask you to please check it out. And of course, post some of your comments on it, what you thought of what I've written and the sequels themselves


Hey guys. So, I wanted to let you know that I'm going to be off tomorrow and Tuesday. So, why is that, you may be asking? Well, I'm going to be having exams on those days. I'll also be having exams next Monday and Tuesday. For this reason, I'll be off for the next 2 days. I'll try to be active on this app, though most likely my activities will be reduced due to my exams.


So, guys. I know this might come as a surprise to some of you, considering that it's not June 4th. But I do have an important announcement to make. I'm currently stuck in quarantine. The reason is I came into close contact with someone who was tested positive, and I'll be stuck for around 10 days. 
          Regarding my exams, my history exam has been postponed to June 14, but no information regarding my English.  I'll update tomorrow about what's happened, and what might happen next
          Thank you and stay safe