Bohdan O. Szuprowicz, President of 21st Century Research, arrived in the Unites States soon after the Russians launched the Sputnik satellite in 1957. He was recruited by Boeing in Seattle as an engineer and later he joined General Dynamics and IBM, whence he moved to the Center for Economic and Industrial Research Inc. headquartered in Washington DC. He began writing articles about progress of automation in many industries and became the editor of High Technology West, a subsidiary of the newspaper California Business in Los Angeles. This was followed by a round-the-world trip to evaluate computerization in many countries of Africa, Australasia and Europe and included a special visit to Vietnam to observe use of information technology under wartime conditions.
He founded the 21st Century Research consultancy in 1974 and collaborated with Chase Manhattan Bank in setting up a market research operation to evaluate emerging business opportunities in China, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. He traveled frequently to those areas and crossed Checkpoint Charlie to East Berlin on several occasions. He also toured South Africa to observe apartheid environments and met with independence fighters in Namibia. His work on network planning earned him an invitation to present it at the International Symposium on Operations Research for Developing Countries in Paris.
As a result of his experiences and research into geopolitics, he published “Doing Business with People’s Republic of China” and “How to Avoid Strategic Materials Shortages” with John Wiley & Sons, as well as “How to Invest in Strategic Metals” with St. Martin’s Press. He also published “Multimedia Networking” with McGraw-Hill, which included Japanese and Korean editions and “Multimedia Tools for Managers” developed for AMACOM. Szuprowicz also collaborated for several years with Computer Technology Research, which published corporate reports on Internet and networking technologies.
  • Grodno, Poland
  • SumaliOctober 1, 2012

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