

Hey there Wattpaders, 
          I'm so happy that EET is 10,030 reads that's like beyond what I imaged that book to loved. Now I have a new story up on wattpad that I'm sure your all going to love its called Beating Heart and it's a risky book for me to do but I'm taking the challenge so I suggest go check it out tell me if it's any good and that i should continue. 
          Here is the link:


Last couple months have been really stressful and emotionally exhausting. In February I had a headache that didn't go away for four straight weeks before it got so bad I had to go to the ER. Finally after six hours of being in the ER at children's I found out that I have a cyst sitting and growing in the middle of my brain since the last time I went to the hospital for my tonsils last year with the eregular spine which is because of the constaint pain I've been in has been affecting my spine by how my 3rd and 4th bones in my spine are rubbing against each other more than they should. 
          March fourth I went into the doctors office and left the appointment upset and not fullied answered questiones. So now I'm taking a pill before bed described by the doctor and an a appointment to see a physical therapist. 
          I've been having to endure the fact that my body and I are not on the same page with the healing process in all of this crazy emotionally stressful stuff. I have now been noticing that I have not felt my headache all as much but when they happen its a continuous wave of pain from my head to the bottom of my spine. 
          I also have had a scary episode that really shook me because I didn't know what to do, I had a bad stinging pain in the left bottom of skulls and it was hot at the touch than I took pain killers thand I had a seez a really hurtful one that dismoblized my hand for a quick second after having the seez. 
          Than today abd yesterday I ended up getting so worked up about everything that is going on like with me and school and circus resulting me in having a mentalbreak down. 
          So I seem like I'm really distant or upset or easily pissed off I promise it's not you its me having to deal with things in a large quantity and I just want to left alone. 
          So now that I have stated my speal I'll just relax now and do what i have been doing dealing it day by day.