
I know I haven’t posted any new story/update in a while and for that I am truly sorry. 
          	For such a long time, Wattpad was such a creative outlet for me and still is. I just had something happen, that killed my creativity. 
          	But! Very slowly, but surely, I’m getting back into both writing and painting and becoming my creative self once again :) and I am in fact working on my Ghost from COD story! 
          	In the meantime you could check out my bots I’ve made! The user is: KEOKIO ! 
          	It’s all just COD at the moment though haha. 


I know I haven’t posted any new story/update in a while and for that I am truly sorry. 
          For such a long time, Wattpad was such a creative outlet for me and still is. I just had something happen, that killed my creativity. 
          But! Very slowly, but surely, I’m getting back into both writing and painting and becoming my creative self once again :) and I am in fact working on my Ghost from COD story! 
          In the meantime you could check out my bots I’ve made! The user is: KEOKIO ! 
          It’s all just COD at the moment though haha. 


Hello @Bokeoi, I just wanted to say your writing is amazing. I was reading your Nanami fanfic "Moving On" and it made me cry which is something I haven't done in a long time. Thank you for the book; it is truly one of the best I've read xx


@seriously_s Sorry I haven’t answered yet! Work has been hectic haha! 
            Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to actually give me great feedback! I appreciate it sooooo much, truly :). I totally have plan to revise it soon as possible, as I’m slowly getting back into writing :) as for the pace thing, I can totally see where you’re coming from  To be honest, I think that came from me taking forever to finish the story and forgetting the little details in how I originally planned for the story to go lol. Silly me. 
            If you ever get the chance, I’m curious to know how you think of how it ended, as I’m not totally happy with it myself and honestly might re-write it if I ever get the chance. 
            All in all, thank you for the time you took reading the story, your feedback, and your support! Truly means the world to me :) 


Oops, I ended up writing a lot, sorry! 


@Bokoei so basically I tried to type feedback but it got lost bc my phone went into landscape mode so I'll put it in short. If you'd like more details just ask xx
            Spelling: good (I don't think I've seen many if any mistakes)
            Punctuation: mostly good, just a few mistakes here and there
            Style of writing: amazing! I love it
            Pace: it's mostly controlled but sometimes the pace isn't fast enough and other times it is. E.g. When Nanami was confessing about his AA you could have focused more onto Nanami and his emotions (too fast) . A time where it wasn't the best was when it wasn't fast enough for me: I think you wrote a bit where you'd almost do every single day that Nanami would visit Mieko but it wasn't too much dw
            But overall score is probably 8/10
            It's good and I would recommend it but I would warn them about things mentioned just to prepare the so they could enjoy it (I think you had warnings at the start of the chapters so I wouldn't worry about the latter point) 


Hello to anyone who cares! Just wanted to let you know I made the decision to unpublished Last Words of a Shooting Star FOR NOW. 
          I’m not saying it’s going to stay unpublished, and in a few weeks or months I may revise it and republish it. 
          For now, it’s just not the story I originally had envisioned but more importantly, I’m in a place in my life where the story is just really triggering for me to write right now. Anyways, I hope you understand <3 


Hi there Bokjin! Just read LWOASS and found it full of promise. I plan to read more of your works. It was pretty refreshing to read a non-idealized Levi character. He's not the drop-dead gorgeous with body-splitting d***. I also admire that you stuck to your own style despite requests for smuttier scenes. I am partial to mature works right now but it is nice to see variety of good quality. More than smut, I find I am a connoisseur of fluff and sweet tender moments, and I can tell you, you've written some good ones. Thank you for sharing your talent. The pollination with Violet Evergarden was quite a good choice by the way!


To anyone who cares that I haven’t updated my stories in a while, I just wanted to let you know I’m working on it <3 a short explanation is that i had writer’s block + I graduated hehe. Anyways I hope to update soon <3 


Hi~ sorry if this comes of as demanding but I really wanted to ask if you are actively updating ‘last words of a shooting star’ <3


Hi! You don’t come off as demanding at all!! I’m actually so happy you’re interested in the book enough to ask  <3 currently I’m facing a bit of writer’s block on all books/writing but especially in last words of a shooting star. I’m just not exactly sure how to continue it into the next plot point ): thank you for showing interest in it though, and I’ll try to update it soon ! <3 


Soooo it turns out; I’ve been going to the wrong  class for a week. Can someone PLEASE try and help me feel less embarrassed about it  my parents aren’t helping 


@Bokoei I'm glad I actually helped


@nnieyeon36 actually no, thank you so much. That actually did make me feel better :) thank you so much <3 


Sorry I don't really know how to comfort someone 


Sending me private death threats will NOT make me wanna update my stories any faster. Especially if you go as far as to message me on all my available social media platforms. This has happened not once but TWICE in last week. Stop it. 


@Bokoei I can imagine. Is the person who's been sending you those threats someone you know irl?


@AshiAshi6  you didn’t sound insensitive at all! I’m glad someone understands. I really don’t mind at all if people ask me to update my stories, and even if they put a little pressure on me because if it’s generally positive it motivates me to update. But a literal death threat?? I’m just so mind boggled rn. 


@Bokoei I happened to see your message by coincidence; someone's sending you death threats because they want you to update your work?! I'm sorry you have to go through that. I hope you can handle it and especially, that it won't escalate.
            That being said, and I hope the way I'm about to word this won't make me sound insensitive, begging an author to update their work is one thing - but sending them death threats? That's the most ridiculous thing ever. I may not have published any work of my own yet, but I've seen many cases where authors feel pressured to write because others keep asking them to update. Several authors suffer under that pressure to the point where they eventually don't enjoy writing anymore, and so their stories are left unfinished. Which is something I find very understandable. Feeling like you're pressured into doing something, often makes it impossible to enjoy it. What's this person trying to do, they want you to update so badly they attempt to give you hell? Thinking that will motivate you to update? How do they not realize it doesn't work that way, and never will? That's stupidity on a whole new level.
            I hope they stop it.


Just got accepted into my dream university <3 I don’t have very many people to tell so I decided to share it with my few wattpad followers who care <3 


Congratulations Bestie

