@seriously_s Sorry I haven’t answered yet! Work has been hectic haha!
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to actually give me great feedback! I appreciate it sooooo much, truly :). I totally have plan to revise it soon as possible, as I’m slowly getting back into writing :) as for the pace thing, I can totally see where you’re coming from To be honest, I think that came from me taking forever to finish the story and forgetting the little details in how I originally planned for the story to go lol. Silly me.
If you ever get the chance, I’m curious to know how you think of how it ended, as I’m not totally happy with it myself and honestly might re-write it if I ever get the chance.
All in all, thank you for the time you took reading the story, your feedback, and your support! Truly means the world to me :)