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Hey guys! I am writing another book! Here is a very lengthy peek. I stumbled towards her. The love of my life. She looked at me with wide eyes as tears began to stream down her face. “Sweetheart…” My voice cracked as I realized, it’s over. She sniffled and scanned my face one more time before melting into my embrace. I could hear small sobs escape her. John quickly downed a shot of Vodka before filling another. I planted a kiss on the top of Emily’s head. She looked up at me with her stunning green eyes, and all I could think was she’s mine. she’s finally mine. I leaned in to kiss her, but she pushed me away. I naturally frowned. “What’s wrong?” She shook her head as she started inspecting my injuries. “You’re hurt Sam.” I sighed and grabbed her chin. “Kiss me.” “Literally any other time. We need to get you to a hospital or something.” John let out a laugh. “Or something.” “Why are you even here? This isn’t your house!” “You fucked up Sam! This is my house now!” “I was fucking kidnapped John!” She pointed at John and with a stern expression that did not look at all threatening said, “If Sam bleeds out and dies, it’s all your fault.” Emily draped my arm over her shoulder and helped me walk to the door. I opened it for her but she smacked me in the side. “Hey!” “You’re crippled.” “Am not!” I took advantage of the position and pulled her into me. I stole her lips. Gently caressing them with my own. She smiled, and kissed me back before jumping like she was shocked, pulling out of our dance. “You asshole!” Naturally, I did it again. “Fuck you!” “Please do.” She crossed her arms and stormed out. “I love you…” I barely even realized I had said it. “You what?” Emily looked at me, like I had never said it before. “I love you. I love you more than the whole world. I love you more than any unit could measure. If you made a unit for my love, I would still have infinite of it.” “You still love me?” “I never stopped.”