
@natsuriayuko yeaah. I don't know what to say anymore. haha! :D 


@natsuriayuko Haha! Well, I dunno. Maybe it's just me who uses dictionary whenever I'm reading your stories because my vocabulary is not that good. No. No. No. You should upload regularly. You are helping your reader's to expand their vocabulary! and that is something we need to thank for! :D THANK YOU! haha!


@natsuriayuko aww. that's so sweet and nice of you! do you know that I'm always preparing a dictionary next to me whenever I'm reading your stories? Gosh. Your choice of words is kinda deep.. Well, not that deep but some of it were unfamilliar so I need to pause for a moment and look for its meaning in the dictionary. 


@natsuriayuko Haha! Of course it will be lined up there! I totally love your series! Oh, and thank you again for replying to my messages. It's so nice of you entertaining and replying to your fans. I wonder why you're never getting tired or annoyed of your fans that keeps on messaging you. I bet they're many and I bet I'm one of those annoying fans. :D haha! 
          Yeah. My mom told me about that too. So I made my own expression. Haha! XD