this message may be offensive
At my school the teachers have little microphones so that all the students in the class room can here the teacher So I was sitting in Spanish class and this boy grabbed the mic then grabbed his phone and played that song that’s “hump me fuck me daddy better make me choke”...???(forgot the title) then he turned up the volume and placed it on top of the mic the teacher didn’t know what it said so she started DANCING we asked “WHY ARE YOU DANCING!!!?” She said It’s a good song But she sadly didn’t know what The lyrics were ........ ♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️♀️ Yeah that’s it we have a school that’s known for bad things and the principal is determined to change it It’s LIKE LIVING IN A PRISON YOU CAN DO ANYTHING WITHOUT A TEACHER Well you can but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN It’s terrible btw this happened last year Now the school is strict and you can’t have fun :’) That’s it I hope your school isn’t prison like mine goodbye