We’re doing this thing where a person in your class has to pick you a book that they think you would like and you have to read it then make a physical book project on it and my best friend got me and chose a One Direction book thats been sitting in the library forever that I didn’t even know existed and so I get to do my project of 1D which is very exciting
I’m trying to find myself and I’ve learned that’s really fucking hard to do. The problem is that I am changing so much as a person and I’m doing different things and I’m talking to different people and I forget that I have people who are there for me that I’m slowly distancing from and that’s not fair to them but I just don’t know what to do. I hate not knowing what to do.
@wolfie4lifeam Sorry I’m a bit late to this but Thank you! I am really clueless in life right now and knowing someone understands even just a little bit makes me feel less alone <3
I wish I knew how to respond...but I don't, so I'll just say...as a stranger I'm here for you?
And I kinda get where you're coming from
And uh just be patient with your self, it's ok to distance from ppl and take time for yourself.