Hi. Sorry if I'm being a stalker I just like your bio a lot!! Sorry again if ya find me weird you don't need to reply to me
Reading Lists
Update, the story will go no where, so I have instead put it in short stories.
Hi. Sorry if I'm being a stalker I just like your bio a lot!! Sorry again if ya find me weird you don't need to reply to me
I hope you have a wonderful day, here's some love from the opposite side of the world. <3 Take care of yourself darling, you are incredible.
Update, the story will go no where, so I have instead put it in short stories.
*presses the delete button* Shoot! *waits nervously* LOADING....|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99% ERROR ERROR UNABLE TO PROCESS REQUEST. FRIENDSHIP IS UNABLE TO BE TERMINATED. *swivels in a chair* Well, it seems like you guys are stuck with me now. Send to Ten People you like, and of you get three back, you are a great friend.
Also, I am starting a new story, that is literally no planning at all. It is kinda a prompt but also not. “It all started with a lie”
@alice71233 lol. I was going to have something about thievery or lying about like, a soulmate tattoo which defines you or something, but it just immediately turned to angst.
I fucking love you
I made an anti-bullying thing because I kept seeing the old one and wasn’t able to copy it and also wanted to revamp it so that it was different. It didn’t fit on my bio, so it is below instead. See that girl you just called fat? She's starving herself to try to be skinny. That boy that was tripped in the hallway? His home life already gives him bruises. That man with scars? He fought for our freedom, and lost friends along the way. That boy crying in the lunch room that you made fun of? He just got the news that his mother died. That person bullying the nerd? He thinks that’s how you show affection because all his relationships were toxic. Maybe you think you are better at seeing through a mask, at knowing a person. Maybe you see someone getting slapped after standing someone up, and you think they deserve it. But you never know what is going on in their life. They could’ve have had to stand them up because their parent went to jail for intoxication and they had to pick them up. The thing is, you can’t see what they are going through. You never know why they take their actions unless they tell you themselves.
And yeah, bullying someone is wrong. No one should be able to beat up someone else, degrade their self value until they look in the mirror and see the hurtful comments. No one should go through that. No one ever deserves that. Not even the bully themself. Because most often, the bullies were/are the victims. So when someone is being bullied, don’t bully the bully when helping the victim. The crowd will turn to the bully and bully them instead. And the cycle will continue. And the victim will need constant support. They need to relearn that they deserve love. And it is your job, my job, everyone’s job to teach them that. They need to be shown that none of it was true. And it will take time, to help heal those wounds. But then, everyone who helped will be able to watch as they turn their scars to art. As they turn what they thought was broken into something beautiful. And everyone can do that. Just like how glass is more beautiful when strung in shards. If you are against bullying, post something similar on your bio. Most probably won’t, but for those who will, you are increasing the chances of changing someone for the better. Post this if you are willing to stand up to bullying. Post this on your wall if you are willing to talk all night to a stranger to keep them from committing suicide. Post this if you believe that everyone deserves a second chance.
Random reminder that you are loved <3 Go and have a great day!
SORRY! *clicks delete* LOADING.... ||||||||||||||||||||99% THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR it is impossible to delete our friend ship share this to 10 people who you never want to lose. if you get three back, you're an amazing friend
My followers! I now have booped you! (I can’t choose...)
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