
          	First of all, 
          	ScreamingKickingCryingLaughing~ AOT is back!!!
          	Second of all (SPOILER ALERT), 
          	I knew it was going to happened, but Hange WHYYY? ㅜ-ㅜ
          	And finally, 
          	“Two fingers is all I need.” LEVI??? HELLO?? I’m delulu for Levi hold me back, hold me back! Also, I feel really bad for this man. All of his old friends have passed away and he is the only one left behind… He needs a hug ㅜ.ㅜ
          	Okay byeeee ㅋㅋㅋ


          First of all, 
          ScreamingKickingCryingLaughing~ AOT is back!!!
          Second of all (SPOILER ALERT), 
          I knew it was going to happened, but Hange WHYYY? ㅜ-ㅜ
          And finally, 
          “Two fingers is all I need.” LEVI??? HELLO?? I’m delulu for Levi hold me back, hold me back! Also, I feel really bad for this man. All of his old friends have passed away and he is the only one left behind… He needs a hug ㅜ.ㅜ
          Okay byeeee ㅋㅋㅋ


          Chapter six, MAY THE WAVES LEAD YOU TO SAFETY, is now published!
          ↬ Stay tuned for the next chapter! 


╔.★. .══════════════╗
          I’m BACK and feeling better than ever!!
          I know it’s been a very long while and now I have finally graduated! I’m done with school everyoneee and ready for a fulltime job~ This also means I have more time for my books and that honestly makes me the happiest person alive rn. Because I need this. Writing is my escape and one of my many passions I can fully say I will never get enough of. All this time I have been working on my books on my other account @chimcleaned, but I have also been writing in my notes of my MacBook so I can re-write *drumrolls*
          As you might have noticed from the way I switched up on my other account this book will be rewritten in English, since I am more comfortable writing in this language. My first language is Dutch, but to be honest my dutch it’s just as bad as my English ㅋㅋㅋ~
          Thank you so so so much for all of you guys your support! Because of every single one of you this book was able to grow from 0 reads to 1.03K!!! I’m so thankful and am so happy to re-write this story with a writing style I have been able to improve over the years. 
          I know it has been a while, but I certainly hope I can make the ones who have saved this book in their library, happy to announce that today the very first chapter of the re-written Secrets will be up! 
          Thank you guys so much and I hope you will enjoy this journey as much as I am creating it!
          Please share your thought in the comments of the book and I hope you guys will continue to support me throughout this journey. 
          Much love,
          Asha ♥
             ↬ Stay tuned for the very first re-written chapter of Secrets! 
          ╚══════════════. .★.╝


╔.★. .══════════════╗
             Eyoo people,
             Ik heb Blood Promise nog eens door 
             gelezen en merk dat ik hier en daar 
             wat dingen wil veranderen. 
             Please heb geduld met mij en wacht 
             nog heel even voor het volgende 
             hoofdstuk die snel gepubliceerd zal 
             worden aangezien die stiekem al klaar ligt
             voor  jullie ッ
             ↬ Stay tuned for the next chapter! 
          ╚══════════════. .★.╝


          Ik wilde even melden dat mijn boek Blood Promise nog erg aan het veranderen is. Sommige (plaats)namen, karakters etc. kunnen daarom plots veranderen. Ik zit er nu bijvoorbeeld aan te denken om de hoofdpersoon Davina een andere naam te geven. 
          En omdat het misschien heel verwarrend kan zijn vond ik het belangrijk om jullie ervan op de hoogte te stellen zodat jullie weten dat er geen fouten zoals de (plaats)namen etc. in het boek voorkomen, maar is er een spelling-, grammaticafout ben je altijd meer dan welkom om dat aan te geven! 
          Nog een fijne dag!! ❤️
          -P.S. Christmas vibes!! ✨