
Happy New Year :D!


What are you doing? Are you at school yet?


            Did get my messages? this darn computer keeps erasing my messages so I can't tell if was sent or not :/


@BlussiaNeko96  Can't really type long messages, but, yeah i'm at school.


Hi BookGhoul95!!!
          I see that you are a Tokyo ghoul lover huh? Me too! Isn't Kaneki so cool and badass?! I'm just fan girling every time I see Kaneki being so powerful! 
          Anyway, thank you for adding my Real Alice In Wonderland into your library! I'm a newbie so I didn't think anyone would see my book! I actually squealed because I was so happy when I saw my notification! It said that BookGhoul95 added your book to his library! I was really happy and grateful that someone actually enjoyed my stories! Thank you so much!
          -Flare :)


@FlareVermillion Hi to you too :) ! 
            You're welcome and I'm really liking your story so far :) I love Alice in Wonderland, so, I'm kind of a sucker for almost anything that has anything to do with it, lol. 
            Also, yeah I love Tokyo Ghoul, both the manga and anime :D ! And ,yes ,Kaneki is cool and a certified bad ass in my book! Will you perhaps try to write a Tokyo Ghoul fanfic one day ?


Hello BookGhoul95!
          I love your name! Judging by the number of books/lists you have, you look like you devour books whole. :)
          I just wanted to say thank you for adding Kingdom of the Stone to one of your reading lists. I really hope you enjoy it. If you do, please consider voting for each chapter since each vote will help others discover the story as well. Also, please feel free to leave comments as you read. I love to hear what readers think and I'm always looking for ways to improve my stories.


@JAPartridge Hello to you too !
            Thanks and lol, yeah, I love reading/'devouring' books :]
            You're welcome and I have a feeling I will really like this book. I'll make sure to leave votes and comments.
            Its always nice to hear from the authors of the books I read :).