Thanks a lot for the reading list add ♡ I hope you will enjoy my story (^ヮ^)
Reading Lists
*Spectacular Tomarry fanfic recommendation* I have before never found a Tomarry fanfic with both Tom and Harry written so in character while also fitting together like corresponding puzzle pieces. I have reread the entire thing (all thirty-one chapters and 101,013 words) more than four times over the course of the last three months. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11716878/chapters/26390412
Thanks a lot for the reading list add ♡ I hope you will enjoy my story (^ヮ^)
Hello, Sorry for disturbing your scrolling Just wanted to say that you're awesome Have a great say wherever you are =)
@Dark_Water_Reflecto It's fine! Absolutely and completely fine! Thank you, and you're awesome too, as well as really sweet! Thanks, and I hope that you have a great day wherever you are as well! :)
Thanks for adding Wolf & Witch to your reading list!!
*Spectacular Tomarry fanfic recommendation* I have before never found a Tomarry fanfic with both Tom and Harry written so in character while also fitting together like corresponding puzzle pieces. I have reread the entire thing (all thirty-one chapters and 101,013 words) more than four times over the course of the last three months. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11716878/chapters/26390412
imagine being into WoF or having a phase of it lmao *looks over at my WoF legends, novels, and graphic novels* S W E A T S *looks over at my old WoF YouTube content* d i e s Σ(゚д゚lll)
@UnordinaryOlive0il CALM DOWN, it came out on April 5th. I still haven't read it either.
wait I just realized I forgot to send messages to u U SEE- I like talking to my followers and uh I forgot to talk to u (c" ತ,_ತ) ALAS I AM HERE TO UH BRACE U WITH MY PRESENCE OMGGGGGG alr idk what to say anymore uh UHHHHHHHHHH did u know that I have 200 volumes of manga physically? And did u know that I have 12 Kuroko ones :))) YAYYY IM SOMEWHAT CULTURED WHOOO
@UnordinaryOlive0il Huh. Sounds interesting. I might have to give it a try.....when I have time, godsdamn it. Maybe during the summer.
uh in SPY X FAMILY there’s a spy who needs to have a family to complete a mission. But the wife is an assassin and the daughter is a telepath who knows everything abt the dad being a spy. It’s a comedy action manga that’s supposed to get an anime this year
heyy, I just wanna say you are one of the most gifted and wonderful people I have ever been lucky to meet. So thank you for everything you've done for me :)
PROTECT LGBTIQ PEOPLE IN THE NETHERLANDS FROM "CONVERSION THERAPY" On Feb. 14, 2022, a bill was introduced in the Netherlands to ban "conversion therapy". Such "therapy" is a set of harmful, dangerous and pseudo-medical practices aimed at "curing" homosexuality. This bill must be passed as soon as possible in 2022. https://action.allout.org/en/m/9bf6a4a5/?akid=62288.6149885.aQ0etm&rd=1&t=3&utm_campaign=mgp-9bf6a4a5&utm_medium=email&utm_source=email
@BookKitsune The fact they're even considering this brings me more hope in humanity. I know they just banned conversion therapy in Canada. But watch out, there will be torture-lovers who will say "it's opposing their religion!"
(Taken from @dollygrand because they said it so well.) I stand with Ukraine. I will do what I can to help the people of Ukraine during this unjustified nightmare that is happening in their homeland. They are heroes in my eyes, and my heart and thoughts are with them every second of every day. Every single death is too much, every single destroyed home is too much. I’m hoping and praying and wishing the war will end swiftly, but it is the strength and bravery of the people of Ukraine that can actually end the war, not any god. That is why we need to help them anyway we can because they’re not only fighting for their own freedom, home and lives, but also for the Europe and for the rest of the good world. I also stand with the innocent, kind and good-hearted Russians who do not want this war any more than we do. This is not Russia’s war, this is Putin’s war. Not only is Putin killing innocent people in Ukraine, he has also turned his back on his own country, his own people. There are good people in Russia. Please stay kind to one another. Russia is a country where the corrupted leaders are ruling with fear, lies, and manipulation, and when the people try to stand up against their tyrant, bad things starts happening to them and their loved ones. Even now, there are thousands of Russians who have been arrested for trying to stop this war. There are Russians who are accepting the sanctions if it helps stopping the war. There are good Russian soldiers who had no idea they are headed to war, who are sabotaging their own equipment and surrendering so they don’t have to fight. We do not need more hate in this world. Be kind to the good Russian people. And fuck Putin. I hope his oligarchs stabs him in the back.
IMPORTANT!! LGTBQ+ and protection of old-growth forests! Two petitions that urgently need support! I understand, encourage, and respect any desire on your part to research before signing either, but please do it quickly, as these are time-sensitive issues. I also understand---and in fact support AND MAKE MANDATORY---not posting a reply that you have signed or not signed one or both of the petitions. It is YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE, and I do NOT want ANYONE, regardless of belief, gender, ethnicity, etc. to feel peer-pressured into doing anything. As I'm making an announcement about this, I expect it's obvious that I have---or that there's a very high chance that I have---signed both of the petitions. But I leave it up to each individual person to choose for themselves whether or not they sign either. PLEASE NOTE THAT I WILL DELETE ANY COMMENTS FROM ANYONE WHO REPLIES WITH THEIR OPINION OR ANYTHING INDICATING THEIR PREFERED CHOICE OF ACTION. IF YOU WANT, YOU CAN PRIVATE MESSAGE ME YOUR OPINION, BUT DO NOT PRESSURE OTHERS INTO MAKING DECISIONS YOU FEEL THEY SHOULD MAKE. EVEN AND ESPECIALLY IF IT'S SOMETHING YOU FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT AND/OR FEEL THAT THERE'S ONLY ONE RIGHT COURSE OF ACTION TO CHOSE. RESPECT THAT THEY HAVE THEIR OWN OPINIONS AND CAN MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS, EVEN IF---AND ESPECIALLY IF---YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND THEIR REASONING. TRUST THEM TO DO WHAT THEY DEEM TO BE RIGHT, AND THEY WILL TRUST YOU TO DO THE SAME. OTHERWISE, THERE CAN NOT AND WILL NOT BE ANY TRUST BETWEEN ANYONE IN SOCIETY. 1) Two young LGBTQ+ Chechen men have been arrested, handed back to Chechen authorities, and forcibly returned to their homeland. The lives of two young men are at risk for no other reason than they are LGBTQ+. They have already been subjected to torture. Call on the US President to demand that Russia release them. Details: (continued in replies below)
@BookKitsune I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MAY NOT BE INTENTIONALLY PEER-PRESSURING ANYONE, BUT THE FACT THAT IT CAN STILL COME ACROSS AS PEER-PRESSURE STILL STANDS. I apologize for not originally including this statement in the first part, and for any tempers I might have provoked as a result.
@BookKitsune This destruction affects communities across Canada. Healthy, old-growth forests clean the air, shield us from fire and flooding, and store massive amounts of carbon. Once logged, it takes hundreds of years to recover the majority of that stored carbon. Protecting old-growth forests is one of the most effective things we can do to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The B.C. government committed during the last election to implement all 14 recommendations from the old-growth review panel, and ban logging for the most at-risk old-growth forests immediately. But they still haven't followed through, leaving the majority of these forests on the chopping block. These ancient forests need our protection, before there's nothing left. Sign the petition urging the B.C. government to act now to ban logging for the most at-risk old-growth forests. Link: https://act.stand.earth/page/30571/petition/1?ea.tracking.id=google-ads&ea.tracking.id=google-ads&GCampaignid=16242990956&GAdgroupid=139113541651&GAdid=582475347971&utm_source=google-ads&en_og_source=google-ads&utm_medium=ads&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3-yQBhD3ARIsAHuHT64FUj99jBCXOnJn6AQ6p-sLy-k9QKZuvRC0UEuC3XJYzw-igAeUzroaApdCEALw_wcB
The Russian LGBT Network is reporting that Russian police have raided their safe house and arrested two LGBTQ+ men who escaped from the republic of Chechnya. The two men have been handed over to Chechen authorities and returned to their homeland. In June last year, the two young men, Salekh Magamadov (20 years old) and Ismail Isayev (17 years old), fled from Chechnya and relocated to the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod. They had been arrested and tortured by Chechen special police in April and May 2020 for running an opposition Telegram channel and were later forced to record a video apology. Their capture by Chechen authorities means they are in severe and immediate danger of further torture and death. On the same day as Salekh and Ismail were arrested in Russia, US President Biden signed a Presidential Memorandum directing all US overseas diplomatic and foreign assistance programs to do more to protect the human rights of LGBTQ+ people. Join this call on President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken to live up to this promise and to make an immediate demand to the Russian Government that Salekh and Ismail be released unharmed. The lives of two young men are at risk for no other reason than they are LGBTQ+. Join the call for their release now and share this petition urgently with as many people as you can. Link: https://campaigns.allout.org/chechen-men?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social_paid&utm_campaign=chechen-men&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3-yQBhD3ARIsAHuHT64c2n7AGQRmAIXKDOOnJCgUGiq-3H2mxPcTvHDf051agfI3gCJtsmcaAp08EALw_wcB 2) Protect old-growth forests in British Columbia from logging Details: The last giants are falling in British Columbia. Old-growth forests, home to tall, ancient trees, are still being commercially logged. Now, less than 1% of forests in B.C. are home to stands of large, old trees. (continued)
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