
In the beginning of  "AfterLife" the official video, Ingrid Michaelson  strongly reminds me of Evergreen from Fairy Tail.


So today at lunch I was talking to my friend about the Heroes of Olympus series-when she suddenly starts naming of possible character deaths. I told her to stop and she did for about a minute before she said "What if Nico and Thalia die?!" And that was my breaking point, I yelled "NO!" Hit her arm and than started crying. MY other friends were asking what was wrong which made me start laughing. So I sat there for a good minute or two just laughing/crying trying to explain what the matter was. IN the end my eyes were puffy but I was wearing a smile.
           This explains one thing about me- I am way to emotionaly tramatized by the wait of Blood of Olympus and what might happen in it. Just thought I'd share.


Hey guys! I know most of you read my "Reading with gods" books, but lately, I've been thinking of taking them down. Not that I don't want to continue them, because I do, but I just barley update them. So yeah..... sorry to all of you for that.
          But on the bright side, I have some other PJO fan-fics that have come across my mind once or twice, and they both have Ann in them. SO yeah, I look forward to writing those.
          Also... Thank you all so much for the 100 followers! A few months ago I didn't think so many people would enjoy my writing, so thank you for proving me wrong!
          Love you all!
          ~ BookLover


Okay, because of the new virus going around, the Heart Bleed one, I'm going to say this now. If I post something, that is really unforgiving and mean-than it is not me. And if I post like-you know-very bad  things in my stories, than it again is not me. 
          And now for my rant. People should really stop making viruses, it really gets on my nerves. I don't like chaning my passwords for my accounts. Why is it so important to break int peoples accounts. Can someone tell me why? PLease? Is it fun? To mess with the things they have tried so hard to work on? I can't really imagine why it would be fun.
          Thank you for listing. Everyone be sure all of there important accounts and items are safe. Good-bye for now peeps!
          And I'll try to update the next Titan's Curse chapter by the end of next week if I can.


So this is a little Valentine's Day poem that I had to wright in English class. I hope you enjoy it! And Happy Day After Valentines!
          Can you hear it?
          Can you feel it?
          That hum in the air?
          That's the lovey-dovey vibe.
          And once every year it beats with all its might.
          It call to everyone,
          Joining them together to celebrate.
          But there is always that one.
          That one that pushes it away.
          That one thinks love is stupid,
          Because it's painful in many ways.
          They sit on a sidewalk,
          And think about what love really means.
          To them it means sacrifice,
          To them it means pain, and betrayals of past.
          Then they look to the side.
          They see a person all alone,
          Just like them.
          That one doesn't know what happened next.
          But soon they're sitting next to that other.
          That person alone.
          They look at each other, and they say.
          "You aren't alone."
          Then they cry, and laugh,
          It's an echoing sound.
          It touches up to the sky,
          And the little cloud that hung over those two heads?
          It moves on trying....
          ...Trying to find someone else to make hurt.
          But it can't.
          You know why?
          The lovey-dovey vibe is in the air.
          It makes laughter everywhere.
          So, can you feel it?
          Can you hear it?
          Listen closely to what it says.
          It says...
          "You aren't alone."
          I hope you all liked it! Happy Valentines day everyone!!! You aren't ever alone!!


So I've been hearing some things about stories like 'Reading with the gods' being taken down because of copyright issues, so I'm just gonna pause on those stories right now... just incase. Sorry if ya'll have been waiting for an update on those, but better to be safe then sorry. :/


I just had a revolutionary idea! SO you all know how Leo swears on the river styx to get Calypso off her island, right? SO what if somehow, the seven mange to all find Ogygia and trap Gaea there, not fully awakened. And Leo manages to get Calypso off the island at the same time! It would be amazing! Mr. Riordan you can use my idea if you want!!!


Of course I'd be alright with that!!!


Is anyone else, who lives in the USA, a little bit freaked out about that chemical spill in West Virginia? Cause I am, who knows what could happen to the water that it invades. What happens if you drink from it?! Scientist need to start finding ways to stop this from happening and curing the water instead of building little tiny robots to send into space and talk back to them.
            Who cares about other planets, when we need to look at our own and fix some major problems!!! Such as finding ways to prevent air pollution, definitely water pollution and loads of other things. Something needs to be done!!!!! 
            OK, well I got that out of my system. Sorry if I seem really rude, but I'm a realist more on the pessimist side, and this is what I am thinking right now because I am a really worrying over all the possibilities that could come from the chemical spill.....
             Again really sorry. Love ya'll peeps. Thanks for reading.. 
          And I might update tomorrow or later tonight. Feeling very creative right now.