So this is a little Valentine's Day poem that I had to wright in English class. I hope you enjoy it! And Happy Day After Valentines!
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
That hum in the air?
That's the lovey-dovey vibe.
And once every year it beats with all its might.
It call to everyone,
Joining them together to celebrate.
But there is always that one.
That one that pushes it away.
That one thinks love is stupid,
Because it's painful in many ways.
They sit on a sidewalk,
And think about what love really means.
To them it means sacrifice,
To them it means pain, and betrayals of past.
Then they look to the side.
They see a person all alone,
Just like them.
That one doesn't know what happened next.
But soon they're sitting next to that other.
That person alone.
They look at each other, and they say.
"You aren't alone."
Then they cry, and laugh,
It's an echoing sound.
It touches up to the sky,
And the little cloud that hung over those two heads?
It moves on trying....
...Trying to find someone else to make hurt.
But it can't.
You know why?
The lovey-dovey vibe is in the air.
It makes laughter everywhere.
So, can you feel it?
Can you hear it?
Listen closely to what it says.
It says...
"You aren't alone."
I hope you all liked it! Happy Valentines day everyone!!! You aren't ever alone!!