Here are so motivating things you should hear;
I was talking to my brother the other day and I told him that I felt like I was at my rock bottom.. he said to me, the only way left is to go up. Grab ahold of the ladder, and climb up..
I was recently talking to my friend J and I said that my ladder is gone, it burnt down a long time ago. His reply? He said “it may seem that way, but it’s not. You have an indestructible ladder that your friends have built you”
I later asked him, what happens when you build a house with no foundation? It falls. I told him my foundation is gone. His response to me then was “that is why you rebuild the house”
Times of darkness, when people say these things to me, I know the words are true, but I can’t always feel that truth when I’m down. But if I repeat them, even when I’m on cloud 9 for that small moment, I’ll learn to believe it. This needs to be known to so many more people, because it’s hard to go on some days.
Most days I feel like I will never see light again.. especially lately. I have been struggling.. I have been fighting a war with myself. And it’s things like what J and my brother say that help. No.. those words are not cures.. they don’t always help.. but they are pieces of wood.. nails.. someday they will become a ladder, even if not today.. even if right now, as I write this, I believe this for others and not myself.. but someday maybe..