
Will do! I love this site, I posted a tad bit more If you want to read it(:


@BookNerd95 Good for you, they're all really cool. Just check out my library if you're lookin' for more, because I get asked to read a lot of people's stuff on here, plus hunt my own down too ;)
          Well, I think your friend is awesome ^^ Wattpad is really amazing, and is great way to allow authors to let their colours shine <3


Oloh! Welcome to Wattpad! The best place on The Intrawebs, even if it is orange xp
          Yay! You write! I shall be reading in a minute! 
          LOL I love what you said about choosing between writing and action, that was cool ^^ I adore writing too, I think maybe more than photography and chocolate :O (but don't tell them that).
          OOO-Kay, something interesting that you may not know about Wattpad... no vote for voting! lol It's a one way ticket to getting your butt ninja kicked =|
          Check out the clubs! there's a share your story [sys] club, writers club, readers club, newcomers club, and even an editors and critiquing club! OK, I don't actually know why they're called clubs, because anyone can join and it's just different forums really, but anywho. On Wattpad, they're clubs :D
          ARND, if you're lookin' for something to read, may I suggest A and D, Comatose, Diary of a Forgotten Teen, Mark me Crazy, To Kill a Vampire, All I Never Wanted, Worlds Apart, and Rosile. ha ha, in any particular order too :P Don't forget to vote after each chapter if you like them, because it really helps the authors out :)
          OOO-kay, I'm going now! And I hope you enjoy your stay on Wattpad! <3