Wow. Major apologies to everyone. I know I’ve been on and off (mostly off) of Wattpad for a few months, but it was a much needed break. I’m finally back (hopefully for a long while), and I have a story in the works. I know I took (Title Goes Here) down, but I really didn’t like what was there. I wrote it quite a long time ago, and I just didn’t enjoy editing and reworking the story. Please keep in mind over these next few weeks that high school is kicking my butt, so I may be MIA for a little. I’m not going to publish any of this coming story until I really have a good chunk of it written. If you want an insider’s scoop on my plans, let me know.

Oooo! I can’t wait to see it! But of course, take all the time you need hun. Don’t want to get writers block!