
Hey guys,
          	 I know it's been a long long long looooong time since I have updated  The Aurora to My Heart, but I did!!!  It took me a while to realize that my chapters don't have to be super long, they just have to be often and good.  So I hope you enjoy the new chapter and sorry for the long wait.


@Book_Lover607  when are you going to update the aura of my heart again 


Plz updateeeeeeeeeeeeeee or put the story on hold ,which I hope won’t happen.I really love that book and hope you update soon.


May I ask when are you going to update "The Aurora to My Heart" ? My apologies if you have already addressed this. Thank you and have a good day.


To be honest, it was a story that I had written when I was younger and I have just lost my interest for writing. But, if anyone wants to continue the book on them self they are welcome to. I’m sorry to disappoint 


Hey guys,
           I know it's been a long long long looooong time since I have updated  The Aurora to My Heart, but I did!!!  It took me a while to realize that my chapters don't have to be super long, they just have to be often and good.  So I hope you enjoy the new chapter and sorry for the long wait.


@Book_Lover607  when are you going to update the aura of my heart again 


Plz updateeeeeeeeeeeeeee or put the story on hold ,which I hope won’t happen.I really love that book and hope you update soon.