
Jeez guys, it's been a while. I know, I know, I'm a terrible person....FOR NOT THANKING U GUYS FOR 200 READS OMG!!! Thank u guys so much, I couldn't have done this without you guys, whatever else everyone usually says etc. I'm here to tell u guys I am finally doing it. I'm rewriting FTLOM and working to finish Lw/L. I love u guys so much and I feel terrible for not updating, but now I am so expect some changes!!! :) 


Jeez guys, it's been a while. I know, I know, I'm a terrible person....FOR NOT THANKING U GUYS FOR 200 READS OMG!!! Thank u guys so much, I couldn't have done this without you guys, whatever else everyone usually says etc. I'm here to tell u guys I am finally doing it. I'm rewriting FTLOM and working to finish Lw/L. I love u guys so much and I feel terrible for not updating, but now I am so expect some changes!!! :) 


I am thinking of taking down all of my books but 'For the Love of Monsters' because they really have no plot and I have most of the story line to FLM already planned out. Let me know what you think of the idea.


You're welcome, glad I could help


@Huskygirllovestoread That is a totally awesome idea,  that Imyself probably never would have thought of. Thank you for the idea, I'll probably do that. :)


How about putting them on hold while you continue with FLM? That way you could always take them down afterwards if you still didn't want to continue with them.
             I enjoyed reading all of your stories :D


Thanks for following me and voting my story - I really appreciate it :)


That means a lot thank you! I can't wait to read more of Solo Survivor :D


You're welcome! I love your book, it's amazing! You are an awesome writer, keep writing! ;)