
  Hey Book__Worm237, 
           Since you and I started commenting a few time on similar things about To Love a Knight, I thought I’d take a peek at your reading lists to see if we had similar interests and of course we do, lol  I figured I’d let you know that I’m writing my own Reylo fan fic, I’m not sure if you’re into Reylo or just Kylo Ren, but if you are, I’d love it if you checked out my story called Entwined (A Reylo Fanfic) if not no biggie. Im still k]more then happy to share a few comments between chapters of our shared reading of To Love a Knight… it’s soo good! 
           Happy reading, 


@Book__Worm237  Haha no worries at all. I’m glad you are coming to check it out. Let me say sorry ahead of time for some of the grammar earlier on in the book—I’d like to think it gets better further in . To Love A Knight was a great book. And I really enjoyed reading your comments on it, especially because our thoughts were pretty similar and some of them were just hysterical. It really helped me get through some of the more emotional chapters and I looked forward to finding your tags through out the read! I’m very happy to see you already commenting on my Fic and I really hope you enjoy it along the way. I am still in the process of writing it but there should be plenty of ,arterial for you in between updates. Happy reading and thanks for giving it a shot 


Hey @-Darkguardian-, 
            Sorry I didn’t see this before I have not had a chance to read these past days. I haven’t read a lot of Relylos but one of my all time favorite books was originally a Reylo. I will definitely check it out!! I enjoyed our conversations on To Love A Knight. It really made me happy to get to go back and see some of my favorite parts of the book.


hey! I literally love you so so so much! thank you for all the comments and votes on perverted., you’re the best and I would kidnap you any day <3
          lots and lots of love,


Aw Thanks! I would gladly be kidnapped by you any day. Your book is so amazing and I can’t wait for the next chapter!