this message may be offensive
Sooo Ive been out for a bit, I'm trying to stop apologizing for things I can't control so i'm not going to say sorry, but the reason I've been gone is because my mental and physical health has been apsaloute shit the past few weeks? months? year? I honestly don't know at this point. SO with all that being said I can't promise anymore writing at least in the next few weeks to months, I don't know when i'll pick up my fanfictions again my hyperfocuses have kind of shifted drastically and i'm not into the same fandoms I was a month or two ago.
911, Halloween, and Percy jackson are the three main ones at the moment to which I don't currently have a writing outlet for so looks of reading not saying that i'll never pick up my Fics again, they have a way of coming back around eventually, like a revoling door, but I know it wont be any time soon, so with all that bye for now, i'll try to be active but again I can't keep any promises with the holidays and stuff.....byeeee........