
Shout out to all those serious equestrians who have taken a serious fall. A couple of weekends ago I came off my mums andy x stock while in the road when a pod of motorbikes came past. Ended up with a concussion, seizure and some serious scaring. Both physically and mentally :P just wondering what falls or accidents any of you have had! Zoe


Shout out to all those serious equestrians who have taken a serious fall. A couple of weekends ago I came off my mums andy x stock while in the road when a pod of motorbikes came past. Ended up with a concussion, seizure and some serious scaring. Both physically and mentally :P just wondering what falls or accidents any of you have had! Zoe


I was just wondering. What have people fanned me for? My stories, the fact that I live horses, that I fan back? Any other reason? Message me and tell me everything!  I just got my power on after tropical cyclone Oswald swept across the east coast of Australia and was wondering what disasters anyone else had been through?
          Live, breath horses,
          From Zoe