
Hi, I hope you're doing well. 
          If you like desi romance with a touch of mystery and horror, perhaps you may enjoy my book: A Curse of Death and Desire.
          I would really  appreciate it if you check it out. 
          No pressure though. 
          Thank you.


assalamu 'alaykum, sis (≧∇≦) thank you so much for your votes on my book!! <3 may ALLAH reward you abundantly in this world and the next, amin (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡


@Bookerloverworm thank you so much, my wonderful sis!! (≧∇≦) i'm so happy that you like them (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡


@moonhuayoon walaikumasalam! Ur welcome  I love the way it’s an inspiring and uplifting reminder ♥️


**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀ ꜱʜᴏᴏᴛɪɴɢ ꜱᴛᴀʀ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
            ╰┈➤ ❝ Do you see the warm and fiery colours displayed on the sky far above? The fluffy clouds tinted in hues of orange and red, the silhouettes of the swarm of birds flying towards the aureate beams of light? Do you see the way the sun pours her soft light across the entire landscape, soaking all the trees, people and animals in her warm sheen of light before disappearing under the horizon? Live like that. Because there will be days where your sun will have to set on something too. Maybe your sun will have to set on a relationship that makes you sin over and over again, maybe it'll be on a friendship that harms you and your Iman, maybe it will be on a love based on anything but on the sake of ALLAH,... and the list goes on. But there will be days where your sun will have to set on something too. And when those days come, let your sun set in peace. Let all the hues of sincere love and hope pour over the people you have to bid farewell to. All the love you had for them, let it wash over them as softly as sunbeams lightening up the sky and everyone under it before leaving. Be a source of light from beginning to end for the sake of ALLAH. And then, open your heart; Open it and let this Dunya go and build a strong foundation in your heart for the sake of ALLAH. Your heart hurts because it was never meant to carry the weights of this Dunya. Your heart is your home and compass, it is not the home of someone else. It is your home assigned to you by none other than by ALLAH Himself. So, let it be a source of light; Open it and let the warm beams of light wash over everyone. Be a source of light even in the very last moments. ❞


Assalamualaikum. Hope you’re doing great InshaAllah. JazakAllah khairun for reading my work “her vocation” Hope you liked it InshaAllah. Would love to hear your thoughts on it ☺️♥️


@Bookerloverworm Alhumdulillah ☺️♥️Glad to hear that. May Allah swt bless you with all the goodness, success, khair o aafiyah of dunya and akhirah. May He swt always be your Guide and Helper in both worlds. May Allah swt become sufficient for you in all your affairs in dunya and akhirah and make you among those who will be guarded in His shade on yom al Qiyamah♥️♥️BarakAllah feekum☺️


@alin958 Walaikumasalam. I enjoyed reading your book a lot! It touched my heart in some way. It made me think and reconsider about my own relationship with Allah (swt) and once again realize the realities of this world. The ending was soo bittersweet! You show the three dimensionality of human emotions and actions so beautifully, MashAllah. Keep up the amazing work!