Hello! I didn't read at the end or maybe missed it. But are yo working on your next story of Jimin? The story was super good, But I felt you left it at a cliff hanger? Is that supposed to mean you're working on more chapters or ended it like that. Like I said, It's only my opinion and I love your stories. There amazing and I have never seen any better honestly. I hope you catch this comment and reply. Thank you!

@PrincipalAlbertBoi You have nothing to apologize for, I'm sorry for leaving you with a cliffhanger for a year. Thank you so much for your support!!! I hope you have an awesome day as well, take care~

@PrincipalAlbertBoi Thank you for responding to my text, I am sorry if I rushed you with a message. I am glad to hear that you're ending it, Unfortunatly I thought you weren't gonna finish it. You are a great hard working story maker. Keep it up! I also enjoy how you liked my feedback for your hard working project. Best of luck, I hope you have a good day! ♡