
Happy New Year everyone!
          	I’m sorry. I haven’t followed through on anything for ages! But, this year, I have made a resolution: I’m starting to write a new book! It’s gonna suck, but I’m gonna try with it! 
          	Yours Authoringly,
          	The Girl Who Lived.


Happy New Year everyone!
          I’m sorry. I haven’t followed through on anything for ages! But, this year, I have made a resolution: I’m starting to write a new book! It’s gonna suck, but I’m gonna try with it! 
          Yours Authoringly,
          The Girl Who Lived.


Ok, I am so sorry, but I changed my mind. I will be updating after my birthday, or on my birthday; as it is the holidays so I will be free then, I have published a new book; so keep a eye out for it!!
          yours Authoringly;