Bookshelf Q. Battler's Big Book of Badass Writing Prompts, now available on #Amazon - FREE Thursday June 8 - Monday June 12!
Are you an aspiring writer who is chock-full of ego but low on actual ideas? Have you contracted an acute case of writer's block? Have you been staring at the same blank page for hours? It sure is hard to be a writer, especially when you're plumb out of ideas.
Fear not, for Bookshelf Q. Battler (BQB), a world renowned poindexter, an epic nerd-venturer, a reviewer of pop cultural happenings and a champion yeti fighter, has taken 101 of the best writing prompts his magic bookshelf has to offer and packaged them up for your perusal. Now there's no need for you to wrack your delicate brain coming up with a premise for your next novel, not with these spectacular ideas designed to get your mental hamster wheel spinning and your pencil scribbling. #writing #writers #books #bookbloggers #writingprompts #nerds #geeks #amazonkindle #kindle fire