Well, this club kind of died before it started. IDK how to run a club I guess. If you’ve given people comments for the club but haven’t gotten as many back, message me. I’ll review your story.
Like I’ll literally give you the password and join as a member if you want. I’m not interested in running it anymore.
@BookshelfBookClub I think the main reason is that it had no hold on its members. By hold I mean... something to make us feel committed to it. For example, the point system said more of.... "Read another members book if you want, don't read if you don't want to, don't worry, we can wait forever." That didn't help anyone feel committed to it. Plus, the official members list was never updated so there was a lingering question of... "So how many points do we have to get exactly before we become official members?" And when someone gets up to seven points and the official list still isn't up then I think it starts to seem quite uninteresting and maybe a little bit like wasted effort especially when no one even checked out your book. I also think that when there is an official list of members, then assignments should be given if not, it will die coz it will fell like... "I'll get to it some other time" which may become never. So I think you should just review how you run the club, not give up on it. I thought it was a wonderful idea when I first read about it on the community but I guess it just needs some improvement. :)