
Zodiac Themed story!(I changed Saturn to Neptune so that it is also a fued between the three brothers Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon))


Omg are you still working at that call center? How is it so far?


@Bookwolf111 holy crap! I wish I would’ve stayed to see the drama but I’m glad I left bc I’ll be too overwhelmed lol. Okay no problem rest well and hmu whenever you have time. No rush. My ig is @Cuddlemeyoongi


@Cuddlemeyoongi yeah send me you're ig and I'll send some voice messages tomorrow, but I'll tell you what I can before I sleep, lowkey right after you left is when things went down hill, ppl were sleeping with each other and getting into fights and all the management that was there has been fired and replace with new ppl but I'll give the details tomorrow 


@Bookwolf111 omg what? I’m glad I volunteered to leave before all this happened lol. Tell me all you could tell me. People were fired from the training class too? Or on the production floor? Basically, I just wanna know what happened when I left lol. You don’t gotta tell me everything. Only what you want to tell me. If it’s too much typing you could hmu on instagram or fb messenger where you can send voice messages in the chat lol