(omg thank you!)
Perhaps, we should talk a little more,
But it's hard to take time off from the chore,
I wish blessed you stay,
Hope you have a great day!
Bellllllllloooooo!(THE MINIONeseS)
Am learnin something new every day.
The choice we have is dyin' or livin
filling every second with what we are given
One man's Erised; another's nightmare
'Sides who ever said life is fair?
I choose manners and respect and
Cause inside we're all RED you see
If you could read between the lines
YOU'D SEE A whole 'nother GALAXY
This day started out very hot
The rain came and now it's not
*'sketters* are TRYIN to make me supper
They're a pain in my BUMPER!!!
(*mosquitos* skeeters )
May all your moments be as wondermous
As you are a forever treasure priceless and beautimous