
GUESS WHO GOT MOVED UP TO JV in VOLLEYBALL MID-SEASON?! THIS GURL. OMG I AM SOOOO EXCITED. I actually get the cool sweats and jacket and letter now XD


Sooooo.... My English teacher gave us this huge assignment where we have to read 40 pgs and take notes..... It took me four straight hours. 
          And now I'm studying for the three different tests I have tomorrow.
          This is only my second week of high school.
          I'm already done with it ._.


So HS  volleyball practice started yesterday and the coaches are having us practice around 6 hours everyday for two weeks until school starts. I officially hate stadium stairs and doing reps of 20 of each type of exercise ever invented after running one lap. Also my mom took my phone on thursday and i still havent offically gotten it back. I feel so out of the loop.


Good luck to those starting school tomorrow or sometime later this week!
          Who of you have already started school? How is it? 
          Who's starting next week?
          Who's starting in September? I start school on September 6th ^_^


@fcutegrassi aw im sorry hun that you're swamped with homework :( 


@I_AVIously_love_PTX omg so cool! And I hope you got good teachers! My picture day/orientation isn't until next Thursday ):