
To those still on here- 
          	By let’s say midnight I’ll be deleting this account since I no longer use it, if you’d like to keep in contact with me my discord is kingboopus and my Pinterest is right here- 
          	Farewell in advance 


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Bruh, im literally going insane. How do you make a soundtrack that goes as hard as Hunchback of Notre Dame’s soundtrack. Like how man, im genuinely dumbfounded that this film goes as hard as it does despite watching it basically all of today out of a fun adhd side quest. Like little mermaids soundtrack? Pretty aight, iconic but aight. Beauty and the beast? Higher yes but still just a slight bit short. Lion king? Absolute banger. Hunchback of notre dame- *literally gets yeeted by bells of notre dames beginning* HoLY sHIt I aM AlIVe Rn- 


the man then whipped around to find it standing there. The Velociraptor. The very one that had been slowly following behind Mark without him even knowing. The creature didn’t immediately attack, but stood in complete and utter stillness, with nothing but the damp ambience of the cave creeping in under waves of tension crashing over Mark’s body. His body told him, shouted in his brain, to run. But Mark couldn’t move. He knew the Raptor would effortlessly catch up to him if he were to do so. He knew the creature would make his move, yet it just stood. Watching him. Suddenly the raptor tilts its head, slightly startling Mark. Mark couldn’t speak, couldn’t bring himself to do anything but stare at high alert at the primal yet masterful murderer standing before him. The creature coos in a low tone, walking slowly around its prey. Its large eyes were given an unnerving glow of reds and oranges to them by marks crudely made torch, and trained themselves on mark and mark alone as it circled, tapping the titular Sickle Claw on its foot. Mark was terrified yet confused by this behavior, walking away as his heart pounded from the tension between this dance of death. Mark couldn’t make out much more of the hunter cloaked in shadows it’s illuminated head, covered in feathers that had been stained with the blood of a fresh kill near its narrowed snout. “It’s…..eaten already….” Mark thought to himself. The beast wasn’t even there to eat him it seemed. The velociraptor was just there… entertain itself.


The rain was plentiful that night. Couples were walking each other out of restaurants and what have you, holding each other close in the warm sweet-song kind of way. Me? I’m as lonesome as they get. You think a hard-edged fella like me can find a Dame who’d walk up my side of the street? Not a chance, pal. For awhile, I was hopeful. I thought there’d always be the one day, far from now, where I’d find her. That…..that naïve optimism died a long, long time ago. It died from the gun I shot to wound the fleeing serial rapist of my first case, and run over by the mobsters that placed a unsuccessful hit on my head a few years later. This city showed me what our human condition is capable of committing when given the means, and I’m just the lowly detective sweeping up the aftermath…. There’s no life for me. No love. No happiness as though country bumpkins would put it. There’s only gray. Gray and the painfully simplistic….certainty….of the gun attached to the hand of mortality.