
Genocide is on the horizon for LGBTQ Americans, I fear. If you do not know Trump is attempting to erase LGBTQ history in America, which is comparable to the Nazi book burnings. It is my belief that Trump and Musk see LGBTQ Americans, in particular trans people, as impure, and I have no doubt that he wishes to erase us, off the globe if he can. This is a scary time for us, and this has to be stopped before it begins. If you can do anything to help please do. 


Genocide is on the horizon for LGBTQ Americans, I fear. If you do not know Trump is attempting to erase LGBTQ history in America, which is comparable to the Nazi book burnings. It is my belief that Trump and Musk see LGBTQ Americans, in particular trans people, as impure, and I have no doubt that he wishes to erase us, off the globe if he can. This is a scary time for us, and this has to be stopped before it begins. If you can do anything to help please do. 


As time goes on things look worse and worse for America. I have come to the conclusion that the people now in charge of my country, Trump and Musk, would have absolutely rooted for the villains I write about in my current project, and I write about Nazis. Things are getting scarier and scarier for targeted groups in America, particularly trans people, and the sad thing is that it Trump made a push to begin the mass genocide of trans people I would not be surprised, nor would I be surprised if a lot of conservatives still blindly followed him. This is a sad, and scary time for me and many other Americans, which is why I am making another political post. I can't sit here and keep my mouth shut, I can't just watch as people I care about suffer, so I'm doing what I can do and that's making these posts. Genocide must be stopped before it begins so please, if you can do something, do it. 


@BoredWriter457 Side-note: If you disagree with me and feel attacked because of this stop reading my stuff, I don't need, nor do I want, your support of my projects. This account is proudly anti-fascist.


I am gonna change my pfp soon. I made it with ai when ai image generation was in it's infancy and when I thought it would have little effect on the art world. I will be commissioning my boyfriend for a new pfp, instead, which will replace this old one. 


I usually prefer to stay out of controversy but now I must speak out. America is going to become a fascist lead country if nothing is said or done now. And to everyone that thinks "Well, I'm not a part of a targeted group, I'll be fine" I would like you to look at the poem "First They Came" by Martin Niemöller 
          "First they came for the Communists
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a Communist
          Then they came for the Socialists
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a Socialist
          Then they came for the trade unionists
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a trade unionist
          Then they came for the Jews
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a Jew
          Then they came for me
          And there was no one left
          To speak out for me"


For personal reasons my boyfriend can no longer work as my editor. Please do not blame him for the delay between chapters however, because he has his own personal life that takes priority over the silly little fanfiction I write. Expect updates soon.