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My Evil Plan to Take Over the World ad-Lib
I am Dr. CHONKY. I am destined to SHITTING the ASS-CLOWN. Unfortunately, the ASS-CLOWN is full of a bunch of TERRIFYING BITCHES that do not agree. So this is my MOIST plan to take over the ASS-CLOWN:
To start with, I`ll need to build my DANK hideout in an abandoned MCDONALD'S complex in the middle of the STRIP CLUB . It will have 69 underground floor(s), and only 420 floor(s) aboveground. All the TODOROKI SHOTO will open EARLIER and address me as "The Great and GAY Dr. CHONKY". I will also have several rooms designed for KILLING and EATING anyone who tries to BITCHY me. That is, after I have YEETED the full extent of my MOIST plan to them.
Next, I will hire some MCDONALD'S EMPLOYEES to design the BORKWOLF'S HUGE ASS Buster, a machine designed to trigger huge HALLOWEEN wherever I want it to. And if they don`t want to build it, I will capture their TITS and threaten to make them SOCIALIZE for hours on end. Once it`s built, I will have it CHEESED along the San Andreas PUSS PUSS.
Obviously you GOBBLE, I can hold the Govenor of ITALY(?), MICHAEL JACKSON, against the threat of YEETING 1/100376969 of the state into the ocean. And once I have control of ITALY(?), I will YEET the PLATYPUS industry into promoting my right to SHITTING the ASS-CLOWN, and LATER all will succumb to my BEEF and SOCIOPATH.