
HEADS UP VERY IMPORTANT!!!! There have been several fake accounts trolling my books claiming to give you a free premium wattpad pass, DO NOT CLICK ON IT! It's a scam, there have been a total of three accounts I've seen doing this. If you click on all of their accounts it says each of them have joined one month ago and they comment the same link on many,many books. So please be wary. 


          	      Thank you for the information.  


Where are you @BornBroken423 ?
          I miss you, I honestly feel sad that I don't get to know the ending of your books when your legit one of my favorite book writers on here. I joined st hope your okay and even if I never get the endings know that I loved ALL your stories, especially "Runt" since it was the 1st book I read from you and "Just Friends and Mates" cause well the guy is just so loveable ugh.....anyway love you, hope your okay.


I hope nothing happened to you . The short messages you have leave in the book obsession,  I am quite scared about that . I hope you are doing fine . I am not here to ask you for a book update . 
          But wishing you a good life and praying that you are fine .
          Lots of love ❣


Hey guys?? I think something might’ve happened to them and it’s either that or they took a years long break. I think we should just leave encouraging messages till they get back instead of demanding about the release of a new chapter. :)


Why are you not responding to your fans about your book Ready to Love?  Several of your fans/supporters have asked you and you’ve not bothered to give a response. I don’t think that considerate to all the people who supported you on the first book and was looking forward to next book. It’s been 4 years and NOTHING. I’m sorry but in the 4 years you could have taken a minute of your time to simply say “yes” or “no” if you plan on finishing this book. It’s least you could have done to those who encouraged you and stood by you. 


Sorry I meant the book Learning to Love. 