
Hey, guys! It's me, Reem. 
          	(I know, I know. It's been a while. Sorry about that.) 
          	Anyway, I'm here to tell you I've posted something new titled Metanoia, a story that's quite close to my heart. I started writing it four years ago actually and it's been my baby since, but I've finally gotten the courage to post it here. The story line revolves around Kendra, a teenage girl trying to figure out how to go on with her life after her sister's death through the letters she writes. I can't give much away, but that's the gist of it. I've already uploaded two 'chapters' and will be posting more in the following months, every Tuesday and Friday to be exact. 
          	Please take the time to read it. It would mean the world to me.


Hi Reem. I am currently reading Pieces of Me. You inspire me to write my thoughts in a better way. :) I really feel you on your entries, and I am learning so much about life and even to myself. Hope you'll continue posting and keeping us updated on that story. :)


Hi there! 
            You must be acknowledged how your writings can make someone like me think, and reflect about my life. :) I always believe one of the greatest blessings is that you were able to touch other's lives through your craft. Btw, hope everything's good! 


Hi there! 
            You must be acknowledged how your writings can make someone like me think, and reflect about my life. :) I always believe one of the greatest blessings is that you were able to touch other's lives through your craft. Btw, hope everything's good! 


Thank you. I honestly can't tell you how much I appreciate you writing this message. I hope so too, but I can't guarantee anything since inspiration/motivation have been pretty absent in my life lately. Let's keep our fingers crossed, okay?


Hi Reem. I am currently reading Pieces of Me. You inspires me to write my thoughts in a better way. :) I really feel you on your entries, and I am learning so much about life and even to myself. Hope you'll continue posting and keeping us updated on that story. :)


Hey, guys! It's me, Reem. 
          (I know, I know. It's been a while. Sorry about that.) 
          Anyway, I'm here to tell you I've posted something new titled Metanoia, a story that's quite close to my heart. I started writing it four years ago actually and it's been my baby since, but I've finally gotten the courage to post it here. The story line revolves around Kendra, a teenage girl trying to figure out how to go on with her life after her sister's death through the letters she writes. I can't give much away, but that's the gist of it. I've already uploaded two 'chapters' and will be posting more in the following months, every Tuesday and Friday to be exact. 
          Please take the time to read it. It would mean the world to me.


Reem I hope you're doing ok, I miss your updates. idk your writing just gives me so many feelings that I can't really explain.


@fIorals I'm doing well, thanks for your concern. I apologize for being so absent and flaky with my updates, but I guess I haven't found anything worthy to write about in my journal and I keep getting stuck on my other stories. It's rather annoying.


Hi Reem. 
          You deserve so many more followers, readers, you deserve it all, you have an amazing heart, and though I have commented this many times I just want to make sure you see it. People can relate to Pieces of Me (me included), and I am sending my love to you.


@FitzSimmonsForever You're so kind for taking the time to message me with such sweet, honest words (and for the comments on my journal). Thank you so much for your kindness, and please continue on being a wonderful person.


Hey, Reem! Great work!
          Curious question: is "Pieces of Me" an online journal you update regularly when you can? Or is it transcribed?


@BornOnAprilFools No, I completely understand. I do a journal in Word; just add to it when I feel the need to write in it. Been doing it digitally for about a year and a half now.


@KevTheAuthor Thank you! And to answer your question, no it isn't transcribed. I simply write my entries whenever I feel like there's reason to. Unfortunately, that means my updates aren't regular, but at least they're honest.


Hi Reem!
          I was reading your story RELEASE and it is a very beautiful story. And also the author's note in the end;)
          MS Zame


@mszame I'm happy you enjoyed it 


@mszame Hey I read scraps and it is so BEAUTIFUL. Oh, the feels and chills I got by reading this^-^


Reem, you're pretty damn amazing. 
          I can bust out some rhymes right now how you're probably one the not human person I ever wish too meet,. Cheesy bs, really. 
          If you ever want to talk, heart to heart and mouth and ears wide open (perhaps not the best comparison, all we'll be doing is typing away on a keyboard) message me because you might be my twin from an alternate universe 


@xo-Iriva-xo That's very kind of you to say! Thank you. And I'm so sorry for replying so late, but life, man. Life gets in the way *shrugs*.


@youshallgototheball Wow this is incredibly late of me, but thank you!