
Hey Everyone. After a long break I'm finally jumping back into my writing. I didn't tell you guys this when I was leaving but the real reason, I stopped writing was because after Techno's death my desire to write went downhill and every time I started to, I couldn't seem to make a page. I stopped to work on my mental health and I'm happy to say it's all gone cause now I have a dog. But While I was working on myself, I realized that as much as smut is fun to read and write it was making a hole in my spirit. I’ve decided to stop writing smut and I most likely will stop writing Gay. That doesn’t mean I’m going to completely stop. I still have a bunch of fun stories I want to share with you all. Although I haven’t been writing for the past year, my brain has not stopped making stories. I have a bunch of Dream SMP and originals, but I’ll just share the Dream SMP ones. I want to thank you all for your support even though I was gone. I’m excited to share all my stories with you.
          	                           - Isaac Hellborn


P.S. I'll try to post every Saturdays


Hey Everyone. After a long break I'm finally jumping back into my writing. I didn't tell you guys this when I was leaving but the real reason, I stopped writing was because after Techno's death my desire to write went downhill and every time I started to, I couldn't seem to make a page. I stopped to work on my mental health and I'm happy to say it's all gone cause now I have a dog. But While I was working on myself, I realized that as much as smut is fun to read and write it was making a hole in my spirit. I’ve decided to stop writing smut and I most likely will stop writing Gay. That doesn’t mean I’m going to completely stop. I still have a bunch of fun stories I want to share with you all. Although I haven’t been writing for the past year, my brain has not stopped making stories. I have a bunch of Dream SMP and originals, but I’ll just share the Dream SMP ones. I want to thank you all for your support even though I was gone. I’m excited to share all my stories with you.
                                     - Isaac Hellborn


P.S. I'll try to post every Saturdays


Hey everyone, I should have told you this a long time ago but my computer died and I currently am not in the position to get another one at this moment, and I detest writing on my phone. Also I have life going on that is taking most of my time. What I'm trying to say is that I don't think I'll be able to write for a very long time. I don't think that's very fair to those who have been hanging on the edges of my books. So in the corse of this next month I will be writing all the ending. It isn't going to be like a story but like a summary so you guys can know what happens. I'm sorry to do this to you all but I've really enjoyed the past four years of me writing on this platform. Thank you all for the support. Hopefully I can come back in a year or two with newer and more exciting stories to tell you all. I've really enjoyed sharing my work even though it's quiet pathetically writen. But more importantly I've enjoyed seeing all you're comments chatting away. Thank you all. 


@Born_from_Hell6616 it's ok man you just need some time of and have to experience instead of being on a computer or phone plus I'm really happy that you are focusing on life but please do make a small or normal updates if you can and we support/love all your works


@Born_from_Hell6616 I'll miss you, you seem like a cool person


@Born_from_Hell6616 I wish I luck and if you do come back I'll be here :D


Hey I’m trying out a new little thing that I did with my friends. One of them suggested that I turn it into a book. It’s called Life or Death go check it out and tell me if you enjoy it or not. It’s just a new little thing and I won’t be hurt by your comments if you don’t like it. I just want to know if it’s something you guys will enjoy or not.


Thank you for the advice and you're right I should first finish the main ones I'm doing before I rewrite them or make new ones. I will hopefully be able to focus most of my attention on my work in the next month or two. I hope you can wait and then I will be able to get back to the main stories.


@Born_from_Hell6616 hey isaac, you probably don't remmeber me but I sense one massive problem in your writing. You keep making up new discontinued stories and delaying the mainly focused at serious like (memories of a dream) or (our omegas/alphas). While it's great you're growing and puncturing in different aspects and styles of writing, I recommend you to not burden yourself by making mutiple stories to be discontinued etc (tomboo, this one etc) and focus on your mains one instead. Of course this is just a recommendation and not meant to force you or spread hate. Take your time and enjoy yourself! Good luck!


Hi Isaac!! I dont know if you remember me but I would love to read your stories again whilr im in free time!! im really sorry for not able to read your stories for a long time. .but now im always going to support your wonderful stories isaac!!! keep it up!!!


               Thank you for your support. I'm glad you enjoy my books and I hope I can stay up to your expectations, and I remember you with your funny little comments with the lemon. They always made me smile. I hope I can make you smile while you read some of my books.
                                           - Isaac Hellborn.


For those who don't know yet, I'm rewriting our omegas. The rewrite is called Our Alphas and I've just published the first chapter. I'm planning to get at least one chapter done a month.


Do you want me to rewrite that one too?


What about the Tombur fic


Can you update our Omegas please 


Imma back


this message may be offensive
Hey, so my mental health is getting worse. I'm incredibly stressed about a ton of things to do. I need to take care of myself before I do anything else, and one of the big things is writing. I've been in writer's block and I'm absolutely hating my recent chapters because I know I could have done so much better on them. I need to take care of myself and get shit done so I'm taking a pause on this Wattpad stuff and writing. I'm going to take a month to get myself together and get my health back together. I'm sorry I've just been incredibly stressed for the past 2 months and I need to get better. Hopefully, I can get myself together in a month. Stay safe, tell someone you love them, and stay hydrated. Hopefully, I'll be able to write in a month and see you all in the comments again. Thank you for the support you gave me.


@Born_from_Hell6616 please take care of your self! Dont be so stress much alright? Always remember we could wait for you :> 


@Born_from_Hell6616 That's alright! I hope you recover!


@Born_from_Hell6616 sure but don't stress your self just do what makes you feel better


How many of you would oppose to a Tommy x Drista.


@Born_from_Hell6616 she is a minor but she's also half goddess and tommy is older then her so 


@Born_from_Hell6616 sure i would love to see it