
Check out @shadynoslim book I promise you won't regret it! This also my bihh so check him out please!!


For a first time writer, your book is pretty good! Besides a few minor grammatical errors here and there, it's well put together! I just started, but I like it so far! I'd appreciate it if you could read mine, and tell me your thoughts as well! 


I will not support mean, arrogant, pretentious as writers! PERIOD! It's annoying asf when wattpad writers develop this air about themselves like, you write on wattpad...for free. Who tf do you think you are? You can be one of the best or a no name I won't tolerate the malarkey. I'm not trying to start a movement don't get me wrong but I am a bit bothered.


Hey , can you checkout my story " Hennessy "
          Please Dont Be A Silent reader they are the worst lol :)


@Pinkbeautyy_  a little promotion is never bad am I right lol


Thanks for the support


@jimmynewtron no prob... I Love a good story like yours 