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@jazzytazzy29 don’t come on my page talking shit and blocking you pussy ass hoe. Wattpad sent me your comment that sent in my board before you blocked me so imma make sure that everyone that comes on my page knows about your dumbass 
          	@jazzytazzy29 you sat here can called an eleven year old a whore and called me a lying slut for saying someone in the comment section said they wanted Egypt to die like Zeus’s girl friend (urbanqueens book “Her eyes 5”). 
          	I have the screenshots of the person making the comment, I also got screenshot of people going after the girl and the girl still had no remorse. @jazzytazzy29 you called an ELEVEN YEAR OLD a whore. It’s giving YOU ARE A PEDO. 
          	I literally said Egypt was wrong for killing that child. So no one was defending her killing a child I was defending her from people like you calling her a whore and wishing she dies like Zeus’s girlfriend (getting raped and shot). Y’all hoes defended white locus for getting another woman gang raped and killing a new born but now y’all care about children because y’all don’t like a character. 


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@jazzytazzy29 don’t come on my page talking shit and blocking you pussy ass hoe. Wattpad sent me your comment that sent in my board before you blocked me so imma make sure that everyone that comes on my page knows about your dumbass 
          @jazzytazzy29 you sat here can called an eleven year old a whore and called me a lying slut for saying someone in the comment section said they wanted Egypt to die like Zeus’s girl friend (urbanqueens book “Her eyes 5”). 
          I have the screenshots of the person making the comment, I also got screenshot of people going after the girl and the girl still had no remorse. @jazzytazzy29 you called an ELEVEN YEAR OLD a whore. It’s giving YOU ARE A PEDO. 
          I literally said Egypt was wrong for killing that child. So no one was defending her killing a child I was defending her from people like you calling her a whore and wishing she dies like Zeus’s girlfriend (getting raped and shot). Y’all hoes defended white locus for getting another woman gang raped and killing a new born but now y’all care about children because y’all don’t like a character. 


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Wattpad commenter are sick. Imagine reading a book and seeing people wish gang rape on an eleven year old girl. Imagine people defending a father that called his own eleven year old daughter a whore and walking STD. Imagine people defending a man that threw his ex’s abuse relationship in her face. Imagine people defending a grown woman that got another woman gang raped and defending that same woman for killing the other woman baby in her face, all because she felt disrespected. Now imagine you getting attack and called sick for defending an eleven year old that people are saying they want to be SA’ed. Imagine you said you don’t agree with the things the child did and said, but because people hate this eleven year old so bad they ignore that and choose to attack you.  I completely lost faith in humanity 


Girl I completely understand why you so heated; I’d be too bc this is sick sick behavior from ppl who are supposed to know better


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Girl it is so sick. An 11 year old girl people are saying deserves to die like a character that was gang raped and shot to death. I’ve never seen such a disgusting comment section in my life. I have been reading this authors books for the past 6-7 years and the comment section was never this bad. The sad thing is that I know the eleven year old will probably die in the book and I know people (grown adults by the way) will be rejoicing. The child has done wrong things but no child deserves to be treated the way they treated her. What makes it worst is that this is an urban book, black people are reading and commenting these things about this young black girl. This was so triggering for me because I have done research papers, case studies, and read forensic documents about the over sexualization, domestic abuse, sex trafficking of young black girls. So the fact that predominantly black women are saying this is so sad. @jazzytazzy29 was out here calling me sick for defending a child that people wished death on, mine you this is the same type people that was defending a woman (white locus) for getting another woman gang raped and shot her newborn baby in the head right in front of the mother all because white locus felt disrespected. Like you said this is a major issue in the reading community, there is not reason why they are losing there since of humanity because of a fictional character. Sorry for ranting shorty really had me hot.


Stoppp bc this such a big problem in the reading community bc it’s like just bc these characters are fictional they lose all sense of humanity and what’s simply right and wrong. They will create all the excuses In the world just to stick up for a character they love; and put down a character they hate