
I'm the girl with the brain off heart on profile picture


@do_u_gotta_bae_or_na  @robbieswife69 @hotness27 bye guys. im not coming back. Good bye


@hotness27 do you think you can read my story or get other people  to because I worked so hard on it. It has the same name. 


Wow. Ok. 
            My parents don't go through my phone. Des trust mes. 
            Only because I watch their children 24/7 
            They think if I can take care of  human beings then I can be trusted with electronics :-/ my parents are weird as fück XD


@hotness27 sorry. I didn't mean too. my dad looked through my phone and didn't like me talking to Amber so he made me make a new account.


Today I had a serious thought about killing myself. I made a video basicly telling my family I love them and some people they are the reason why I died. When I went downstairs my dad told be how much he loves me and hopes no harm comes to me. I told him I love him and went to my bedroom and rethought all the reasons why I shouldn't die and the reasons I should. The shouldn't was longer than the should. I'm here and if all goes well, I'll stay.☺