
Hey everyone, so long time no fanfic. I have published a short first chapter of a WillxTessa fanfic I hope you like. Leave reviews if you want and such. I don't know how often I'll update but I won't leave it too long. :)


Finally! I love your work. A lot of the time, people try to write fanfictions about books but they rarely keep them in the style of writing the books are written in, but you! You write them in the same style - so well! Thank you, and well done! Your work is brilliant!


For the record: Tessa is not a shadowhunter. Yes she trained a little as one. But no she cannot bear the marks of a shadowhunter, known as runes. She is immortal. Again, NOT A SHADOWHUNTER. If you insist on trying to correct me, I'm going to insist you shut up. Yes, this topic is driving me crazy.