
Chapter 32 'Stars Above Earth Below' is now out!! I hope you enjoy it! 
          	I also wanted to mentioned that Chapter 33 will be a little slow going as I have a lot going on next month, but I will work on it when I can. Thanks again everyone!


@Br1ght_Ey3s can’t wait to read it tonight! Im so hyped!! ^^


Chapter 32 'Stars Above Earth Below' is now out!! I hope you enjoy it! 
          I also wanted to mentioned that Chapter 33 will be a little slow going as I have a lot going on next month, but I will work on it when I can. Thanks again everyone!


@Br1ght_Ey3s can’t wait to read it tonight! Im so hyped!! ^^


I decided to take a look at some of the stats of my story and was astounded by the demographics. I have readers from almost every country of North and South America reading my book, as well as most of Europe. Thank you so much for the support and taking the time to read! 
          I'll tell you that this whole story has just blossomed from being a simple idea of a snowboarder coming across a yautja. I cannot wait to share how much farther it will go. So please stick around. Chapter 31 is in the works. ❤️


As you may have noticed, I decided to update my cover art (again). This one I'm super proud of and you will notice it still has some of the details the last one had, but more unique. Hope you like it as much as I do, cuz this one is staying for good. 
          And FYI, I have 90% of the next chapter written, just editing and mixing the scenes around to see what flows best. But another update will be coming soon. Thanks for waiting and being so supportive!


@Br1ght_Ey3s I love the cover art. :)


The new cover is awesome! Can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for everyone. ☺️


PLZZZZ I beg you, don’t stop writing this story. 
          Your writing style beautiful. With the amount of detail you add I can really feel what the characters are feeling and picture the story in my head like it’s a movie. 
          I have never read a story of the predator franchise that makes as much sense as this one. All of them goes to fast and it just makes think weird when the main character and the Predator build a relationship but I don’t feel that I’m your story. The fact that it’s a slow burner helps the readers create a bond with the characters and it makes the characters relationship believable. 
          Plz don’t stop updating 


@Space_possum That is an interesting thought! Tomak certainly doesn't appreciate music for now, but we shall see as time progresses.   ;)


I feel like the only music genre that Tomak can ‘tolerate’ is classical music since there’s a lack of human words, its calming and if Rae plays it, she has to put it at a low volume because of his sensitive ears. 


@Space_possum Thank you so much! I am speechless! As you can tell not many people have checked out my story here on Wattpad, so I was unsure how readers were taking it. This is a huge relief! I feel the exact same way. I have read probably over a hundred predator stories and only a select few take the slower route. I wanted to make my story unique and play it out so my readers could connect with the characters and relate to them before things start to pick up, which I'm glad you're feeling that! If a picture takes a thousand words than I'm gonna need to do a couple thousand to capture a scene! XD
            I will not stop updating ever! I will finish this story to the end, promise. Please forgive if updates are slow. Just know I'm not giving up on this.  :)